Correo en un servidor Exchange

16/04/2010 - 19:35 por Lazar | Informe spam
Access 2003 y Outlook 2003 en una Intranet con un servidor Exchange
Estoy intentando que Access envie un correo y no lo consigo, justo lanzar el
procedimiento , obtengo este error :

Error - 2147219712 [Collaboration Data Objects -

El código que utilizo , esta copiado de Microsoft :

' This procedure sets an object variable to the MAPI Session object
' using the CreateObject() function. Then, it logs on to the session
' using a predefined profile. As soon as you are logged on,
' the procedure creates
' a new message and adds it to the Messages collection of the Outbox
' of the user. Then, it creates two recipients (one on the TO: line and
' one on the CC: line) and then adds both to the Recipients collection
' of the message. Next, it resolves the names of all recipients.
' Then, it attaches a sample file before filling in the Subject,
' Text, and Importance attributes of the message.
Sub SendMAPIMessage(Destinatario As String, _
Optional ConCopia As String, _
Optional ConCopiaOculta As String, _
Optional DireccionAdjunto As String, _
Optional NombreAdjunto As String, _
Optional ElAsunto As String = "Un asunto", _
Optional ElMensaje As String = "Un cuerpo de

Dim MapiSession As Object
Dim MapiMessage As Object
Dim MapiRecipient As Object
Dim MapiAttachment As Object
Dim Recpt
Dim errObj As Long
Dim errMsg

On Error GoTo MAPITrap
' Create the MAPI Session.
Set MapiSession = CreateObject("Mapi.Session")

' Log on to the session. If the ProfileName argument is omitted,
' Microsoft Exchange prompts you for the profile to use. If the
' profile name is incorrect, you receive a runtime error.
MapiSession.Logon profilename:="Default Outlook Profile"
' Add a message to the Outbox.
Set MapiMessage = MapiSession.Outbox.Messages.Add

' Add the recipients of the message. Note, each recipient must be
' added separately to the Recipients collection of the Message
' object.

With MapiMessage
Set MapiRecipient = MapiMessage.Recipients.Add
MapiRecipient.Name = Destinatario
MapiRecipient.Type = mapiTo
Set MapiRecipient = MapiMessage.Recipients.Add
MapiRecipient.Name = ConCopia
MapiRecipient.Type = mapiCc
Set MapiRecipient = MapiMessage.Recipients.Add
MapiRecipient.Name = ConCopiaOculta
MapiRecipient.Type = mapiBcc

' Resolve each recipient's e-mail name.
' Starting with Outlook version 8.03 (ref. Q172623)
' OLE Messaging 1.0 was replaced with Active Messaging 1.1.
' Outlook 98 (version 8.5) replaced Active Messaging
' with Microsoft CDO (Collaborative Data Objects) 1.21.
' OLE Messaging 1.0 uses a zero-based Recipients collection;
' Active Messaging 1.1 and Microsoft CDO 1.21 are 1-based.
For Recpt = 1 To .Recipients.Count
.Recipients(Recpt).Resolve showdialog:=False

' Attach a file to the message.
Set MapiAttachment = MapiMessage.Attachments.Add
With MapiAttachment
.Name = NombreAdjunto
.Type = mapiFileData
.Source = DireccionAdjunto
.ReadFromFile FileName:=DireccionAdjunto
.Position = 2880
End With

' Assign the text, subject, and importance of the message.
.Subject = ElAsunto
.Text = ElMensaje
.Importance = mapiHigh

' View the message in Microsoft Exchange before sending. Set
' the ShowDialog argument to False if you want to send the
' message without viewing it in Microsoft Exchange.
.Send showdialog:=True
End With
Set MapiSession = Nothing ' Clear the object variable.

Exit Sub

errObj = Err - vbObjectError ' Strip out the OLE automation error.
Select Case errObj
Case 275 ' User cancelled sending of message.
Resume MAPIExit
Case Else
errMsg = MsgBox("Error " & Err.Number & " " &
errMsg = MsgBox("Error " & errObj & " was returned.")
Resume MAPIExit
End Select
End Sub

Gracias por la ayuda que podais prestarme


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Leer las respuestas

#1 José Mª Fueyo
17/04/2010 - 20:28 | Informe spam
Desactiva el control de errores, y así podrás ver en que linea exactamente
se produce el error.

José Mª Fueyo
[MS MVP Access]

__________ Información de ESET Smart Security, versión de la base de firmas de virus 5036 (20100417) __________

ESET Smart Security ha comprobado este mensaje.

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