error al instalar aplicacion Palm

14/01/2008 - 03:09 por juliandlac | Informe spam
error 2738

Leer las respuestas

#1 Morgan
14/01/2008 - 05:28 | Informe spam
Me encontre estoen la web... lo checas y nos cuentas

"The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package.
This may indicate ... Error Code 2738"

If you encounter "Error Code 2738" during your installation simply follow
the next steps.

1.) Open your Command Prompt, by holding down the "windows button + R and
then simply typing in "cmd"

2.) (Make sure you are Administrator ) Once the Command Prompt is open
simply type in the following command "regsvr32 vbscript.dll" and press

Ignore any errors you might may encounter.

3.) You are ready to reinstall and run it on Windows Vista!

Saludos ... Morgan 8-)
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"juliandlac" escribió en el mensaje
de noticias news:
error 2738

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