Error codigo JScript

20/01/2005 - 01:52 por L. A. M. | Informe spam
Buenos dias

No soy experimentado en el uso de lenguajes, pero diseñé el código que aquí
presento porque la parte en JavaScript me genera error y no se detectarlo.

Al abrir la pagina se conecta a una BD Access y extrae unos porcentajes que
los coloca en los campos de texto. Eso lo hago con VBScript y va bien.

Luego, el usuario ingresa en otros dos campos dos valores y al darle al
boton Calcular, debiera darle resultados que trato de obtener con la funcion
en JScript, pero alli sale el error.

Este es el código en total:

This file retrieved from the JS-Examples archives
1000s of free ready to use scripts, tutorials, forums.
Author: Tim Wallace - 0

<!-- Activate Cloaking Device

// Called by computeIt() function - creates $xx.xx format.
function fmtPrice(value)
var cents0*(value-Math.floor(value))+0.5;
result += Math.floor(cents / 10);
result += Math.floor(cents % 10);
return result;

// Called by COMPUTE button - gathers selected values, computes tax & total
cost, displays values.
function computeIt(form)
// Sets myindex1 to selected value from unit menu.
var misueldo = form.sueldo.value;
// Sets myindex2 to selected value from cost menu.
var minum = form.numempl.value;
var miminimo = form.minimo.value;

// Checks that an item is selected from each menu.
if (misueldo>=1 && minum>=1)
// Variables used for computations.
var VSueldo = misueldo * minum;
var VSubsidio = form.subsidio.value;
var PCesantias = form.cesantias.value;
var PInts = form.intereses.value;
var PPrima = form.prima.value;
var PVacaciones = form.vacaciones.value;
var PPension = form.pension.value;
var PSalud = form.salud.value;
var PAtep = form.atep.value;
var PCaja = form.caja.value;
var PIcbf = form.icbf.value;
var PSena = form.sena.value;
var PAdmin = form.admin.value;
var PIva = form.iva.value;

// Computations
if misueldo <= miminimo * 2 then
var TSubsidio = VSubsidio * minum;
var TSubsidio = 0;
var TCesantias = PCesantias * misueldo * minum / 100;
var TInts = PInts * misueldo * minum / 100;
var TPrima = PPrima * misueldo * minum / 100;
var TVacaciones = PVacaciones * misueldo * minum / 100;
var TPension = PPension * misueldo * minum / 100;
var TSalud = PSalud * misueldo * minum / 100;
var TAtep = PAtep * misueldo * minum / 100;
var TCaja = PCaja * misueldo * minum / 100;
var TIcbf = PIcbf * misueldo * minum / 100;
var TSena = PSena * misueldo * minum / 100;
var TAdmin = PAdmin * misueldo * minum / 100;
var TIva = PIva * TAdmin / 100;

// Display formatted values.

form.RSubsidio.value = fmtPrice(TSubsidio);
form.RCesantas.value = fmtPrice(TCesantias);
form.RInts.value = fmtPrice(TInts);
form.RPrima.value = fmtPrice(TPrima);
form.RVacaciones.value = fmtPrice(TVacaciones);
form.RTotPrestac.value = fmtPrice(TCesantias + TInts + TPrima);
form.RPension.value = fmtPrice(TPension);
form.RSalud.value = fmtPrice(TSalud);
form.RAtep.value = fmtPrice(TAtep);
form.RTotSeg.value = fmtPrice(TPension + TSalud + TAtep);
form.RCaja.value = fmtPrice(TCaja);
form.RIcbf.value = fmtPrice(TIcbf);
form.RSena.value = fmtPrice(TSena);
form.RTotParaf.value = fmtPrice(TCaja + TIcbf + TSena);
form.RTotfprest.value = fmtPrice(TCesantias + TInts + TPrima + TPension +
TSalud + TAtep + TCaja + TIcbf + TSena);
form.RAdmin.value = fmtPrice(TAdmin);
form.RIva.value = fmtPrice(TIva);
form.VrSueldo.value = fmtPrice(VSueldo);
form.TotNomina.value = fmtPrice(VSueldo + TSubsidio + TCesantias + TInts +
TPrima + TPension + TSalud + TAtep + TCaja + TIcbf + TSena);

// Displays an Alert message if a selection is not made from both menus.
alert("Debe ingresar el sueldo - the number of
TS - a COST per unit - the applicable TAX before clicking
the COMPUTE button.");

// Deactivate Cloaking -->


<FORM NAME="myform">

<table border="1" cellspacing="1" style="border-collapse: collapse"
bordercolor="#111111" width="67%" id="AutoNumber1">
<td width="61%">Sueldo base de cálculo
<input type="text" name="Sueldo" size="12"></td>
<td width="37%">Valor sueldos<br>
<input type="text" name="VrSueldo" size="12"></td>
<td width="39%">Valor Total Esta Nómina</td>
<td width="61%">Numero de empleados
<input type="text" name="NumEmpl" size="12"></td>
<td width="37%">
<p align="center"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="CALCULAR"
<td width="39%">
<input type="text" name="TotNomina" size="14"></td>
<td width="61%">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="37%">
<p align="center"><INPUT TYPE="Reset" VALUE=" Reiniciar "
<td width="39%">&nbsp;</td>

<p>En el cuadro de abajo se muestran los porcentajes </p>

dim cn, rs, sql
' Name of the Accessdb being read

' Connect to the db with a DSN-less connection
cn="DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};"
cn=cn & "DBQ=" & server.mappath("fpdbegistro.mdb")

' Create a server recordset object
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

' Select all data from the table the_bird
sql = "select * from datos "

' Execute the sql
rs.Open sql, cn

<TABLE BORDER=3 WIDTHE0 height="100">
<TD align="center" height="22" colspan="12">
<p align="left">Conceptos de Ley que se liquidan mensualmente sobre la
<TD align="center" height="36"><font size="2">Concepto</font><TD
align="center" height="36"><font size="1">Subsidio<br>
transporte</font><TD align="center" height="36" bgcolor="#CCFFFF"><font
cesantias</font><TD align="center" height="36" bgcolor="#CCFFFF"><font
size="1">% ints<br>
cesantias</font><TD align="center" height="36" colspan="2"
bgcolor="#CCFFFF"><font size="1">%<br>
prima</font><TD align="center" height="36" bgcolor="#CCFFFF"><font
vacaciones</font><TD align="center" height="36" bgcolor="#CCCCFF"><font
size="1">Total %<br>
prestaciones soc</font><TD align="center" height="80" colspan="4"
' Move to the first record

' Start a loop that will end with the last record
do while not rs.eof
%> &nbsp;
<td height="22">
<font size="2">Porcentaje</font><td height="22">
<input type="text" name="Subsidio" value="<%= rs("subtransp") %>"
size="7"><TD align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="cesantias" value="<%= rs("cesantias") %>"
size="7"><TD align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="Intereses" value="<%= rs("intereses") %>"
size="7"><TD align="center" height="22" colspan="2">
<input type="text" name="prima" value="<%= rs("prima")%>" size="7"><TD
align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="vacaciones" value="<%= rs("vacaciones") %>"
size="7"><TD align="center" height="22" bgcolor="#CCCCFF">
<input type="text" name="TotPrestS" value="<%= rs("tprestacsoc") %>"
<TD align="center" height="22">
<font size="2">RESULTADOS</font><TD align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="RSubsidio" size="7"><TD align="center"
<input type="text" name="RCesantias" size="7"><TD align="center"
<input type="text" name="RInts" size="7"><TD align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="RPrima" size="7"><TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="RVacaciones" size="7"><TD align="center"
<input type="text" name="RTotPrestac" size="7"></tr>
<TD align="center" colspan="12" height="22">

<TD align="center" height="36" bgcolor="#CCFFFF"><font
size="2">Concepto</font><TD align="center" height="36"
bgcolor="#CCFFFF"><font size="1">%<br>
Pension</font><TD align="center" height="36" bgcolor="#CCFFFF"><font
Salud</font><TD align="center" height="36" bgcolor="#CCFFFF"><font
ATEP</font><TD align="center" height="36" bgcolor="#CCCCFF"><font
size="1">Total %<br>
Seg.Social</font><TD align="center" height="36">&nbsp;<TD align="center"
height="36" bgcolor="#CCFFFF"><font size="1">%<br>
Caja Comp.</font><TD align="center" height="36" bgcolor="#CCFFFF"><font
I.C.B.F.</font><TD align="center" height="36" bgcolor="#CCFFFF"><font
Sena</font><TD align="center" height="36" bgcolor="#CCCCFF"><font
Ap. Parafiscales</font></TR>
<TD align="center" height="36">&nbsp;</TR>
<TD align="center" height="36" bgcolor="#CCCCFF"><font size="1">TOTAL
<TD align="center" height="22">
<font size="2">Porcentaje</font><TD align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="pension" value="<%= rs("pension") %>" size="7"><TD
align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="salud" value="<%= rs("salud") %>" size="7"><TD
align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="atep" value="<%= rs("atep") %>" size="7"><TD
align="center" height="22" bgcolor="#CCCCFF">
<input type="text" name="segsoc" value="<%= rs("tsegsoc") %>" size="7"><TD
align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="caja" value="<%= rs("caja") %>" size="7"><TD
align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="icbf" value="<%= rs("icbf") %>" size="7"><TD
align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="sena" value="<%= rs("sena") %>" size="7"><TD
align="center" height="22" bgcolor="#CCCCFF">
<input type="text" name="TotParaf" value="<%= rs("tparafisc") %>"
<TD align="center" height="22">

<TD align="center" height="22" bgcolor="#CCCCFF">
<input type="text" name="TotFPrestac" value="<%= rs("tfactprestac") %>"

<TD align="center" height="22">
<font size="2">RESULTADOS</font><TD align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="RPension" size="7"><TD align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="RSalud" size="7"><TD align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="RATEP" size="7"><TD align="center" height="22"
<input type="text" name="RTotSeg" size="7"><TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="RCaja" size="7"><TD align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="RICBF" size="7"><TD align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="RSena" size="7"><TD align="center" height="22"
<input type="text" name="RTotParaf" size="7"></TR>
<TD align="center" height="22">

<TD align="center" height="22" bgcolor="#CCCCFF">
<input type="text" name="RTotFPrest" size="7"></TR>

<TD align="center" height="22" colspan="12">
<TD align="center" height="22">
<font size="2">Concepto</font><TD align="center" height="22">
<font size="1">% Costo<br>
Administrativo</font><TD align="center" height="22">
<font size="1">% de<br>
I.V.A.</font><TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
<TD align="center" height="22">

<TD align="center" height="22">

<TD align="center" height="22">
<font size="2">Porcentaje</font><TD align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="admin" value="<%= rs("admin") %>" size="7"><TD
align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="iva" value="<%= rs("iva") %>" size="7"><TD
align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
<TD align="center" height="22">

<TD align="center" height="22">

<TD align="center" height="22">
<font size="2">RESULTADOS</font><TD align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="RAdmin" size="7"><TD align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="RIva" size="7"><TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
<TD align="center" height="22">

<TD align="center" height="22">

<TD align="center" height="22" colspan="12" bgcolor="#CCCCFF">
<input type="text" name="TotNomina1" size="8"><tr>
<TD align="left" height="10">
<TD align="left" height="10" colspan="11">
Salario Minimo: $
<input type="text" name="Minimo" value="<%= rs("salminimo") %>"
Datos actualizados para el año <%= rs("periodo") %><tr>

' Move to the next record
' Loop back to the do statement
loop %>



<BR><center><a href=''></a></center>

Gracias, Luis

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Leer las respuestas

#1 Matias Iacono
20/01/2005 - 13:57 | Informe spam
Depurarlo a vista es un poco complicado, asi que, que error te sale?


Matias Iacono
Microsoft MVP

"L. A. M." <luism0(arroba)> wrote in message
Buenos dias

No soy experimentado en el uso de lenguajes, pero diseñé el código que

presento porque la parte en JavaScript me genera error y no se detectarlo.

Al abrir la pagina se conecta a una BD Access y extrae unos porcentajes

los coloca en los campos de texto. Eso lo hago con VBScript y va bien.

Luego, el usuario ingresa en otros dos campos dos valores y al darle al
boton Calcular, debiera darle resultados que trato de obtener con la

en JScript, pero alli sale el error.

Este es el código en total:

This file retrieved from the JS-Examples archives
1000s of free ready to use scripts, tutorials, forums.
Author: Tim Wallace - 0

<!-- Activate Cloaking Device

// Called by computeIt() function - creates $xx.xx format.
function fmtPrice(value)
var cents0*(value-Math.floor(value))+0.5;
result += Math.floor(cents / 10);
result += Math.floor(cents % 10);
return result;

// Called by COMPUTE button - gathers selected values, computes tax &

cost, displays values.
function computeIt(form)
// Sets myindex1 to selected value from unit menu.
var misueldo = form.sueldo.value;
// Sets myindex2 to selected value from cost menu.
var minum = form.numempl.value;
var miminimo = form.minimo.value;

// Checks that an item is selected from each menu.
if (misueldo>=1 && minum>=1)
// Variables used for computations.
var VSueldo = misueldo * minum;
var VSubsidio = form.subsidio.value;
var PCesantias = form.cesantias.value;
var PInts = form.intereses.value;
var PPrima = form.prima.value;
var PVacaciones = form.vacaciones.value;
var PPension = form.pension.value;
var PSalud = form.salud.value;
var PAtep = form.atep.value;
var PCaja = form.caja.value;
var PIcbf = form.icbf.value;
var PSena = form.sena.value;
var PAdmin = form.admin.value;
var PIva = form.iva.value;

// Computations
if misueldo <= miminimo * 2 then
var TSubsidio = VSubsidio * minum;
var TSubsidio = 0;
var TCesantias = PCesantias * misueldo * minum / 100;
var TInts = PInts * misueldo * minum / 100;
var TPrima = PPrima * misueldo * minum / 100;
var TVacaciones = PVacaciones * misueldo * minum / 100;
var TPension = PPension * misueldo * minum / 100;
var TSalud = PSalud * misueldo * minum / 100;
var TAtep = PAtep * misueldo * minum / 100;
var TCaja = PCaja * misueldo * minum / 100;
var TIcbf = PIcbf * misueldo * minum / 100;
var TSena = PSena * misueldo * minum / 100;
var TAdmin = PAdmin * misueldo * minum / 100;
var TIva = PIva * TAdmin / 100;

// Display formatted values.

form.RSubsidio.value = fmtPrice(TSubsidio);
form.RCesantas.value = fmtPrice(TCesantias);
form.RInts.value = fmtPrice(TInts);
form.RPrima.value = fmtPrice(TPrima);
form.RVacaciones.value = fmtPrice(TVacaciones);
form.RTotPrestac.value = fmtPrice(TCesantias + TInts + TPrima);
form.RPension.value = fmtPrice(TPension);
form.RSalud.value = fmtPrice(TSalud);
form.RAtep.value = fmtPrice(TAtep);
form.RTotSeg.value = fmtPrice(TPension + TSalud + TAtep);
form.RCaja.value = fmtPrice(TCaja);
form.RIcbf.value = fmtPrice(TIcbf);
form.RSena.value = fmtPrice(TSena);
form.RTotParaf.value = fmtPrice(TCaja + TIcbf + TSena);
form.RTotfprest.value = fmtPrice(TCesantias + TInts + TPrima + TPension +
TSalud + TAtep + TCaja + TIcbf + TSena);
form.RAdmin.value = fmtPrice(TAdmin);
form.RIva.value = fmtPrice(TIva);
form.VrSueldo.value = fmtPrice(VSueldo);
form.TotNomina.value = fmtPrice(VSueldo + TSubsidio + TCesantias + TInts

TPrima + TPension + TSalud + TAtep + TCaja + TIcbf + TSena);

// Displays an Alert message if a selection is not made from both

alert("Debe ingresar el sueldo - the number of
TS - a COST per unit - the applicable TAX before

the COMPUTE button.");

// Deactivate Cloaking -->


<FORM NAME="myform">

<table border="1" cellspacing="1" style="border-collapse: collapse"
bordercolor="#111111" width="67%" id="AutoNumber1">
<td width="61%">Sueldo base de cálculo
<input type="text" name="Sueldo" size="12"></td>
<td width="37%">Valor sueldos<br>
<input type="text" name="VrSueldo" size="12"></td>
<td width="39%">Valor Total Esta Nómina</td>
<td width="61%">Numero de empleados
<input type="text" name="NumEmpl" size="12"></td>
<td width="37%">
<p align="center"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="CALCULAR"
<td width="39%">
<input type="text" name="TotNomina" size="14"></td>
<td width="61%">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="37%">
<p align="center"><INPUT TYPE="Reset" VALUE=" Reiniciar "
<td width="39%">&nbsp;</td>

<p>En el cuadro de abajo se muestran los porcentajes </p>

dim cn, rs, sql
' Name of the Accessdb being read

' Connect to the db with a DSN-less connection
cn="DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};"
cn=cn & "DBQ=" & server.mappath("fpdbegistro.mdb")

' Create a server recordset object
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

' Select all data from the table the_bird
sql = "select * from datos "

' Execute the sql
rs.Open sql, cn

<TABLE BORDER=3 WIDTHE0 height="100">
<TD align="center" height="22" colspan="12">
<p align="left">Conceptos de Ley que se liquidan mensualmente sobre la
<TD align="center" height="36"><font size="2">Concepto</font><TD
align="center" height="36"><font size="1">Subsidio<br>
transporte</font><TD align="center" height="36" bgcolor="#CCFFFF"><font
cesantias</font><TD align="center" height="36" bgcolor="#CCFFFF"><font
size="1">% ints<br>
cesantias</font><TD align="center" height="36" colspan="2"
bgcolor="#CCFFFF"><font size="1">%<br>
prima</font><TD align="center" height="36" bgcolor="#CCFFFF"><font
vacaciones</font><TD align="center" height="36" bgcolor="#CCCCFF"><font
size="1">Total %<br>
prestaciones soc</font><TD align="center" height="80" colspan="4"
' Move to the first record

' Start a loop that will end with the last record
do while not rs.eof
%> &nbsp;
<td height="22">
<font size="2">Porcentaje</font><td height="22">
<input type="text" name="Subsidio" value="<%= rs("subtransp") %>"
size="7"><TD align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="cesantias" value="<%= rs("cesantias") %>"
size="7"><TD align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="Intereses" value="<%= rs("intereses") %>"
size="7"><TD align="center" height="22" colspan="2">
<input type="text" name="prima" value="<%= rs("prima")%>" size="7"><TD
align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="vacaciones" value="<%= rs("vacaciones") %>"
size="7"><TD align="center" height="22" bgcolor="#CCCCFF">
<input type="text" name="TotPrestS" value="<%= rs("tprestacsoc") %>"
<TD align="center" height="22">
<font size="2">RESULTADOS</font><TD align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="RSubsidio" size="7"><TD align="center"
<input type="text" name="RCesantias" size="7"><TD align="center"
<input type="text" name="RInts" size="7"><TD align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="RPrima" size="7"><TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="RVacaciones" size="7"><TD align="center"
<input type="text" name="RTotPrestac" size="7"></tr>
<TD align="center" colspan="12" height="22">

<TD align="center" height="36" bgcolor="#CCFFFF"><font
size="2">Concepto</font><TD align="center" height="36"
bgcolor="#CCFFFF"><font size="1">%<br>
Pension</font><TD align="center" height="36" bgcolor="#CCFFFF"><font
Salud</font><TD align="center" height="36" bgcolor="#CCFFFF"><font
ATEP</font><TD align="center" height="36" bgcolor="#CCCCFF"><font
size="1">Total %<br>
Seg.Social</font><TD align="center" height="36">&nbsp;<TD align="center"
height="36" bgcolor="#CCFFFF"><font size="1">%<br>
Caja Comp.</font><TD align="center" height="36" bgcolor="#CCFFFF"><font
I.C.B.F.</font><TD align="center" height="36" bgcolor="#CCFFFF"><font
Sena</font><TD align="center" height="36" bgcolor="#CCCCFF"><font
Ap. Parafiscales</font></TR>
<TD align="center" height="36">&nbsp;</TR>
<TD align="center" height="36" bgcolor="#CCCCFF"><font size="1">TOTAL
<TD align="center" height="22">
<font size="2">Porcentaje</font><TD align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="pension" value="<%= rs("pension") %>"

align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="salud" value="<%= rs("salud") %>" size="7"><TD
align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="atep" value="<%= rs("atep") %>" size="7"><TD
align="center" height="22" bgcolor="#CCCCFF">
<input type="text" name="segsoc" value="<%= rs("tsegsoc") %>"

align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="caja" value="<%= rs("caja") %>" size="7"><TD
align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="icbf" value="<%= rs("icbf") %>" size="7"><TD
align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="sena" value="<%= rs("sena") %>" size="7"><TD
align="center" height="22" bgcolor="#CCCCFF">
<input type="text" name="TotParaf" value="<%= rs("tparafisc") %>"
<TD align="center" height="22">

<TD align="center" height="22" bgcolor="#CCCCFF">
<input type="text" name="TotFPrestac" value="<%= rs("tfactprestac") %>"

<TD align="center" height="22">
<font size="2">RESULTADOS</font><TD align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="RPension" size="7"><TD align="center"

<input type="text" name="RSalud" size="7"><TD align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="RATEP" size="7"><TD align="center" height="22"
<input type="text" name="RTotSeg" size="7"><TD align="center"

&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="RCaja" size="7"><TD align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="RICBF" size="7"><TD align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="RSena" size="7"><TD align="center" height="22"
<input type="text" name="RTotParaf" size="7"></TR>
<TD align="center" height="22">

<TD align="center" height="22" bgcolor="#CCCCFF">
<input type="text" name="RTotFPrest" size="7"></TR>

<TD align="center" height="22" colspan="12">
<TD align="center" height="22">
<font size="2">Concepto</font><TD align="center" height="22">
<font size="1">% Costo<br>
Administrativo</font><TD align="center" height="22">
<font size="1">% de<br>
I.V.A.</font><TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
<TD align="center" height="22">

<TD align="center" height="22">

<TD align="center" height="22">
<font size="2">Porcentaje</font><TD align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="admin" value="<%= rs("admin") %>" size="7"><TD
align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="iva" value="<%= rs("iva") %>" size="7"><TD
align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
<TD align="center" height="22">

<TD align="center" height="22">

<TD align="center" height="22">
<font size="2">RESULTADOS</font><TD align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="RAdmin" size="7"><TD align="center" height="22">
<input type="text" name="RIva" size="7"><TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
&nbsp;<TD align="center" height="22">
<TD align="center" height="22">

<TD align="center" height="22">

<TD align="center" height="22" colspan="12" bgcolor="#CCCCFF">
<input type="text" name="TotNomina1" size="8"><tr>
<TD align="left" height="10">
<TD align="left" height="10" colspan="11">
Salario Minimo: $
<input type="text" name="Minimo" value="<%= rs("salminimo") %>"
Datos actualizados para el año <%= rs("periodo") %><tr>

' Move to the next record
' Loop back to the do statement
loop %>



<BR><center><a href=''></a></center>

Gracias, Luis

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