[Info] ¿Microsoft esta emprendiendo un a guerra secreta vs Linux?

16/07/2004 - 21:17 por Ille Corvus | Informe spam
¿Microsoft esta emprendiendo una guerra secreta vs Linux?

Nos mandan de manera anónima una disertación de John C. Dvorak acerca
de los intentos de Microsoft de boicotear el movimiento de Software
Libre y especialmente a Linux.

A la fecha, es un secreto a voces...

Is Microsoft Waging a Secret War of Slander Against Linux?

ABC news is running an interesting article that looks at the
never-ending barrage of anti-Linux propaganda. The article asks the
question "Could Microsoft be behind a smear campaign aimed at Linux?
If not Microsoft, then who?" It's a good look at what bad business
will do to win! "

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#1 Anonimo
16/07/2004 - 22:01 | Informe spam

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