
06/09/2005 - 22:39 por Buho | Informe spam

Tengo un problema de reflection con FieldInfo.Setvalue. En el codigo
siguiente( es pequeñito :) ) en la linea donde trata de setear el
valor lanza esta excepcion:Message "Object type cannot be converted to
target type." String...

Public Function CargarReflectedForm(ByVal PATH As String, ByVal
classname As String, ByRef frm As Form)
Dim a As [Assembly] = [Assembly].LoadFrom(PATH)
Dim mytype As Type
Dim tran As Object
Dim prop As Object

Dim f As Form
'Get the type to use.
mytype = a.GetType(classname)
tran = Activator.CreateInstance(mytype)

Dim finfo() As FieldInfo
finfo = mytype.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance Or

Dim sOut As String()
ReDim sOut(fInfo.GetLength(0) - 1)
For i As Integer = 0 To finfo.GetLength(0) - 1
If finfo(i).Name = "DBLX" Then
finfo(i).SetValue(tran, DBLX)
End If
If finfo(i).Name = "DBL" Then
finfo(i).SetValue(tran, DBL)
End If
If finfo(i).Name = "PARAMETERSENV" Then
finfo(i).SetValue(tran, PARAMETERSENV)
End If
If finfo(i).Name = "SAMB" Then
finfo(i).SetValue(tran, SAMB)
End If
frm = tran
End Function

Gracias de antemano...

Leer las respuestas

#1 Eduardo A. Morcillo [MS MVP VB]
07/09/2005 - 04:20 | Informe spam
¿Los valores que pasas son del mismo tipo que los campos que quieres setear?

Eduardo A. Morcillo [MS MVP VB]

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