Word Files Locked "By Another User?"

07/03/2008 - 23:56 por Searle60 | Informe spam
For some strange reason certain Word 2007 files I create become locked so the
next time I open I see a dialog box that only lets me open a read only copy
or receive a notice when the file becomes available. Unfortunately the file
never becomes available. When I get this message it always seems to reference
a particular template that I have created and used to create the document.
Please help. I can't figure out a way to fix this. Unprotecting the document
or reversing the "final" status does not work either.

The warning I receive is as follows:

"File In Use. *.dotx is locked for editing by another user. Do you want to:

_Open a Read Only Copy
_Create a local copy and merge your changes later
_Receive notification when the original copy is available."


Ronald R. Searl yikes

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#1 Monica May
08/03/2008 - 02:15 | Informe spam

For some strange reason certain Word 2007 files I create become locked so the
next time I open I see a dialog box that only lets me open a read only copy
or receive a notice when the file becomes available. Unfortunately the file
never becomes available. When I get this message it always seems to reference
a particular template that I have created and used to create the document.
Please help. I can't figure out a way to fix this. Unprotecting the document
or reversing the "final" status does not work either.

The warning I receive is as follows:

"File In Use. *.dotx is locked for editing by another user. Do you want to:

_Open a Read Only Copy
_Create a local copy and merge your changes later
_Receive notification when the original copy is available."

this link may help you »

[Los archivos ubicados en recursos compartidos de red tardan mucho
tiempo en abrirse, se abren en modo de sólo lectura o hacen que aparezca
un mensaje de error]

[Files on network shares open slowly, open as read-only, or you receive
an error message]





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