[SP2 y P2P] Pareceque a la gente le hace daño... :-)))

05/09/2004 - 22:35 por JM Tella Llop [MVP Windows] | Informe spam

Jose Manuel Tella Llop
MVP - Windows
jmtella@XXXcompuserve.com (quitar XXX)

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#1 Frank
05/09/2004 - 22:51 | Informe spam
No se si daño, pero se ve que tampoco te quieren:
Jose Manuel Tella Llop is an ass hole.
Microsoft love this old crazy man, but it really sucks.
He must learn how to configure his brain before talk
about windows like he does.



Jose Manuel Tella Llop
MVP - Windows
(quitar XXX)

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