Visual Studio Just-in Time Debugger...

28/03/2006 - 16:03 por Carlos Albert | Informe spam
...alguien sabe como deshabilitar al fastidioso debugger automatico del VS?

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#1 Carlos Albert
28/03/2006 - 16:05 | Informe spam
Nada, ya lo encontre, disculpen.

"Carlos Albert" wrote in message
...alguien sabe como deshabilitar al fastidioso debugger automatico del

Respuesta Responder a este mensaje
28/03/2006 - 19:55 | Informe spam
Hola Si me lo cuentas te paso una aplicación de codigo de barras
"Carlos Albert" escribió en el mensaje
Nada, ya lo encontre, disculpen.

"Carlos Albert" wrote in message
...alguien sabe como deshabilitar al fastidioso debugger automatico del

Respuesta Responder a este mensaje
#3 Carlos Albert
28/03/2006 - 20:14 | Informe spam
jaja. =)

Tools -> Options -> Debugging -> Just-In-Time
Ahi le sacas los tildes a los que no queres (yo se los saque a todos.

¿Me contas como hacer los codigos? ^^

"RDGM" wrote in message
Hola Si me lo cuentas te paso una aplicación de codigo de barras
"Carlos Albert" escribió en el mensaje
Nada, ya lo encontre, disculpen.

"Carlos Albert" wrote in message
...alguien sabe como deshabilitar al fastidioso debugger automatico del

Respuesta Responder a este mensaje
29/03/2006 - 19:59 | Informe spam
Espero que te sirva este enlace :

Asimismo te paso el código de un control para que lo puedas utilizar

SALUDOS , Espero te sirva

Option Strict On

Option Explicit On

Public Class cCode39

Inherits Windows.Forms.Control

Friend WithEvents Button1 As System.Windows.Forms.Button

Public Function CreateBarCode(ByVal txt As String) As Image

' Honistly, im not sure how to avoid importing the windows.forms.controls,

' because i need someway to create the graphics as showen below.

' If anyone can figure it out, let me know,

Dim g As Graphics = CreateGraphics()

Dim img As Image = Nothing

Dim incomingString As String = txt.ToUpper()

Dim barCodeWidth As Integer = 13

Dim barCodeHeight As Integer = 60

If incomingString.Length = 0 Then Return img

If Not incomingString.Substring(0, 1) = "*" Then

incomingString = "*" + incomingString

End If

If Not incomingString.Substring(incomingString.Length - 1, 1) = "*" Then

incomingString += "*"

End If

Dim numberOfChars As Integer = incomingString.Length

Dim newBitmap As Bitmap = New Bitmap((barCodeWidth * numberOfChars), _

barCodeHeight, Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)

g = Graphics.FromImage(newBitmap)

g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.White), New Rectangle(0, 0, _

(barCodeWidth * numberOfChars), barCodeHeight))

' This array will hold all the needed charactaers for code39.

Dim code39() As String = {"101001101101", "110100101011", _

"101100101011", "110110010101", "101001101011", _

"110100110101", "101100110101", "101001011011", _

"110100101101", "101100101101", "110101001011", _

"101101001011", "110110100101", "101011001011", _

"110101100101", "101101100101", "101010011011", _

"110101001101", "101101001101", "101011001101", _

"110101010011", "101101010011", "110110101001", _

"101011010011", "110101101001", "101101101001", _

"101010110011", "110101011001", "101101011001", _

"101011011001", "110010101011", "100110101011", _

"110011010101", "100101101011", "110010110101", _

"100110110101", "100101011011", "110010101101", _

"100110101101", "100100100101", "100100101001", _

"100101001001", "101001001001", "100101101101"}

Dim wholeSet As Integer = 0

Dim currentLetterArray(11) As Integer

Dim currentLetter As String = ""

Dim font As System.Drawing.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Lucida Console",

Dim actuallText As String = ""

For wholeSet = 0 To incomingString.Length() - 1

Dim i As Integer = 0

Dim compairAscii As Integer = Asc(incomingString.Substring(wholeSet, 1))

If compairAscii = 32 Then ' (space)

currentLetter = code39(38)

actuallText += incomingString.Substring(wholeSet, 1)

ElseIf compairAscii = 36 Then ' $

currentLetter = code39(39)

actuallText += incomingString.Substring(wholeSet, 1)

ElseIf compairAscii = 37 Then ' %

currentLetter = code39(42)

actuallText += incomingString.Substring(wholeSet, 1)

ElseIf compairAscii = 42 Then ' *

currentLetter = code39(43)

actuallText += incomingString.Substring(wholeSet, 1)

ElseIf compairAscii = 43 Then ' +

currentLetter = code39(41)

actuallText += incomingString.Substring(wholeSet, 1)

ElseIf compairAscii = 45 Then ' -

currentLetter = code39(36)

actuallText += incomingString.Substring(wholeSet, 1)

ElseIf compairAscii = 46 Then ' .

currentLetter = code39(37)

actuallText += incomingString.Substring(wholeSet, 1)

ElseIf compairAscii = 47 Then ' /

currentLetter = code39(40)

actuallText += incomingString.Substring(wholeSet, 1)

ElseIf compairAscii >= 48 And compairAscii <= 57 Then ' 48-57 = 0-9

currentLetter = code39(compairAscii - 48)

actuallText += incomingString.Substring(wholeSet, 1)

ElseIf compairAscii >= 65 And compairAscii <= 90 Then ' 65-90 = A-Z

currentLetter = code39(compairAscii - 55)

actuallText += incomingString.Substring(wholeSet, 1)


currentLetter = code39(38) 'Any thing else, this will be removed when

'i convert to the extended version.

actuallText += " "

End If

For i = 0 To currentLetter.Length - 1

currentLetterArray(i) = Convert.ToInt16(currentLetter.Substring(i, 1))


For i = 0 To currentLetter.Length - 1

If currentLetterArray(i) = 0 Then

g.DrawLine(Pens.White, i + (wholeSet * barCodeWidth), 0, i + _

(wholeSet * barCodeWidth), 40)

ElseIf currentLetterArray(i) = 1 Then

g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, i + (wholeSet * barCodeWidth), 0, i + _

(wholeSet * barCodeWidth), 40)

End If


g.DrawLine(Pens.White, i + (wholeSet * barCodeWidth), 0, i + _

(wholeSet * barCodeWidth), 40)


' Also below, im not quite sure how to perfectly center the following

' Again, if anyone figures it out, let me know,

g.DrawString(actuallText, font, Brushes.Black, _

CInt((newBitmap.Width / 2) - (txt.Length * 5)), 42)

img = Image.FromHbitmap(newBitmap.GetHbitmap)

Return img

End Function

End Class

"Carlos Albert" escribió en el mensaje
jaja. =)

Tools -> Options -> Debugging -> Just-In-Time
Ahi le sacas los tildes a los que no queres (yo se los saque a todos.

¿Me contas como hacer los codigos? ^^

"RDGM" wrote in message
Hola Si me lo cuentas te paso una aplicación de codigo de barras
"Carlos Albert" escribió en el mensaje
Nada, ya lo encontre, disculpen.

"Carlos Albert" wrote in message
...alguien sabe como deshabilitar al fastidioso debugger automatico del

email Siga el debate Respuesta Responder a este mensaje
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