Buscar Servidor SQL Server

29/07/2003 - 16:51 por Federico A. Colli | Informe spam
De que forma en un cliente se puede detectar si hay algún SQL Server en la
red? y si hay uno o más sus respectivos nombres?

Saludos y gracias de antemano.
(AUS) Federico A. Colli

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#1 Molebolge
29/07/2003 - 17:21 | Informe spam
De que forma en un cliente se puede detectar si hay algún SQL Server en la
red? y si hay uno o más sus respectivos nombres?

* SQL Servers en la red

Private Declare Function lstrlenW Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpString As Long) As

Private Declare Function NetServerEnum Lib "netapi32" ( _
strServername As Any, _
ByVal level As Long, _
bufptr As Long, _
ByVal prefmaxlen As Long, _
entriesread As Long, _
totalentries As Long, _
ByVal servertype As Long, _
strDomain As Any, _
resumehandle As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function NetApiBufferFree Lib "Netapi32.dll" (ByVal lpBuffer
As Long) As Long

Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory"
(Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)

Private Const SV_TYPE_SERVER As Long = &H2
Private Const SV_TYPE_SQLSERVER As Long = &H4

Private Type SV_100
platform As Long
name As Long
End Type

Public Sub GetSQLServers()
Dim l As Long
Dim entriesread As Long
Dim totalentries As Long
Dim hREsume As Long
Dim bufptr As Long
Dim level As Long
Dim prefmaxlen As Long
Dim lType As Long
Dim domain() As Byte
Dim i As Long
Dim sv100 As SV_100

level = 100
prefmaxlen = -1

domain = "MC" & vbNullChar ' // NOMBRE DE TU RED LOCAL
l = NetServerEnum(ByVal 0&, _
level, _
bufptr, _
prefmaxlen, _
entriesread, _
totalentries, _
lType, _
domain(0), _

If l = 0 Or l = 234& Then
For i = 0 To entriesread - 1
CopyMemory sv100, ByVal bufptr, Len(sv100)
Debug.Print Pointer2stringw(sv100.name) ' // Nombre Servidor
bufptr = bufptr + Len(sv100)
Next i
End If
NetApiBufferFree bufptr

End Sub

Private Function Pointer2stringw(ByVal l As Long) As String
Dim buffer() As Byte
Dim nLen As Long

nLen = lstrlenW(l) * 2
If nLen Then
ReDim buffer(0 To (nLen - 1)) As Byte
CopyMemory buffer(0), ByVal l, nLen
Pointer2stringw = buffer
End If
End Function

Saludos, México
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#2 Federico A. Colli
29/07/2003 - 18:19 | Informe spam
Muchísimas gracias, funciona Ok.

(AUS) Federico A. Colli

"Molebolge" escribió en el mensaje
> De que forma en un cliente se puede detectar si hay algún SQL Server en

> red? y si hay uno o más sus respectivos nombres?

* SQL Servers en la red

Private Declare Function lstrlenW Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpString As Long)


Private Declare Function NetServerEnum Lib "netapi32" ( _
strServername As Any, _
ByVal level As Long, _
bufptr As Long, _
ByVal prefmaxlen As Long, _
entriesread As Long, _
totalentries As Long, _
ByVal servertype As Long, _
strDomain As Any, _
resumehandle As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function NetApiBufferFree Lib "Netapi32.dll" (ByVal

As Long) As Long

Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory"
(Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)

Private Const SV_TYPE_SERVER As Long = &H2
Private Const SV_TYPE_SQLSERVER As Long = &H4

Private Type SV_100
platform As Long
name As Long
End Type

Public Sub GetSQLServers()
Dim l As Long
Dim entriesread As Long
Dim totalentries As Long
Dim hREsume As Long
Dim bufptr As Long
Dim level As Long
Dim prefmaxlen As Long
Dim lType As Long
Dim domain() As Byte
Dim i As Long
Dim sv100 As SV_100

level = 100
prefmaxlen = -1

domain = "MC" & vbNullChar ' // NOMBRE DE TU RED LOCAL
l = NetServerEnum(ByVal 0&, _
level, _
bufptr, _
prefmaxlen, _
entriesread, _
totalentries, _
lType, _
domain(0), _

If l = 0 Or l = 234& Then
For i = 0 To entriesread - 1
CopyMemory sv100, ByVal bufptr, Len(sv100)
Debug.Print Pointer2stringw(sv100.name) ' // Nombre

bufptr = bufptr + Len(sv100)
Next i
End If
NetApiBufferFree bufptr

End Sub

Private Function Pointer2stringw(ByVal l As Long) As String
Dim buffer() As Byte
Dim nLen As Long

nLen = lstrlenW(l) * 2
If nLen Then
ReDim buffer(0 To (nLen - 1)) As Byte
CopyMemory buffer(0), ByVal l, nLen
Pointer2stringw = buffer
End If
End Function

Saludos, México

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