RUNDLL - UDConn.dll

20/06/2004 - 18:29 por Mr. Alain Navarrete | Informe spam
Dear Sir/Madame
In the main screen there is a message that says:


Can't find specified module

I don't know how to solve this problem.
Please, HELP!

Many thanks

Mr. Alain Navarrete

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#1 Cosmos
20/06/2004 - 22:08 | Informe spam
Ese archivo, que yo sepa no es del OS, puede ser de algun spyware.
Pasale el Ad-aware o el Spybot
Ejecuta "msconfig y en Inicio desmarca la casilla que pone UDConn y acepta.

"Mr. Alain Navarrete" escribió en el mensaje
Dear Sir/Madame
In the main screen there is a message that says:


Can't find specified module

I don't know how to solve this problem.
Please, HELP!

Many thanks

Mr. Alain Navarrete

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#2 roxprin
22/06/2004 - 07:34 | Informe spam
Dear Sir/Madame
In the main screen there is a message that says:


Can't find specified module

I don't know how to solve this problem.
Please, HELP!

Many thanks

Mr. Alain Navarrete

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