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Help on Directx and Windows95

06/08/2004 - 14:16 por Marcelo | Informe spam
It's funny to see how many pages someone can visit at
Microsoft's and find nothing about what you want to know.

My question: What's the last Directx release for Windows95
and what are its system requirements?

Someone help me please! Thanks in advance.

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#1 ava4os
06/08/2004 - 17:36 | Informe spam
The 6.1 version seems to be the latest for Windows 95.


You can also try latest versions for Windows 98.

These articles are in spanish:

All these URL's are from Microsoft, I found them searching the Knowledge
Base, at the address


You can also find Windows 95 newsgroups in english in the same server,
nntp://msnews.micorosoft.com. You wrote to an spanish group. You're also
welcome :-).

Kindest regards from Spain.

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"Marcelo" escribió en el mensaje
It's funny to see how many pages someone can visit at
Microsoft's and find nothing about what you want to know.

My question: What's the last Directx release for Windows95
and what are its system requirements?

Someone help me please! Thanks in advance.

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