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Can´t share programs in windows mesenger

19/04/2006 - 23:46 por afligida | Informe spam
After inviting a person to share a program, that person accepts, then "Stop
Collaborating" appears in the lateral menu lateral I click it. (as it is
suggested in the help menu) the session ends and when I try to open the
program in the share window program session I cant do it because it appears
gray . How can I solve this problem?

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#1 julio gonzales rodriguez
20/04/2006 - 15:46 | Informe spam
Maybe that person don't use MSN Messenger, maybe use Miranda, aMNS or
another cliente of IM.

"afligida" escribió en el mensaje
After inviting a person to share a program, that person accepts, then
Collaborating" appears in the lateral menu lateral I click it. (as it is
suggested in the help menu) the session ends and when I try to open the
program in the share window program session I cant do it because it
gray . How can I solve this problem?

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#2 Hupus [MX]
20/04/2006 - 17:38 | Informe spam
Hello Afligida,
This is a spanish spoken forum... anyways, this is caused by a Firewall or some other sw that could be blocking the ActiveX component to share programs.
Check the FW settings and disable any SW filter (Ad-Watch/Teatimer/etc) before to trying to share.

"afligida" escribió en el mensaje news:
After inviting a person to share a program, that person accepts, then "Stop
Collaborating" appears in the lateral menu lateral I click it. (as it is
suggested in the help menu) the session ends and when I try to open the
program in the share window program session I cant do it because it appears
gray . How can I solve this problem?

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