poblems updating to SP1

06/07/2008 - 17:53 por carlos perez | Informe spam
i have windows vista ultimate, but when i go to windows update SP1 doesn`t
appear and i have installed all the requirements
thanks in advance

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#1 Linfocito B
06/07/2008 - 19:47 | Informe spam
Have you tried to download and install the complete package of the
Service Pack 1 from this page?:

Also, you can read this:

- Windows Vista Service Pack 1 is not available for installation from
Windows Update and is not offered by Automatic Updates

By the way, this is the spanish Microsoft newsgroup for Windows Vista...
Si eres hablante nativo del español, no temas en preguntar en el idioma
de Cervantes :-)

Atte.: Sergio Andrés

Salu2 desde Bogotá, Colombia!

carlos perez escribió:
i have windows vista ultimate, but when i go to windows update SP1 doesn`t
appear and i have installed all the requirements
thanks in advance

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#2 Engel
06/07/2008 - 20:00 | Informe spam
Hello Carlos,

There is a forum dedicated to Windows Vista SP1 related issues.

Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1)
I'd recommend resubmitting your post here:
Help and Support

Call your local Microsoft subsidiary, or the number for paid support in your
locale--and ask for the -=- free -=- help with virus or -=- security-patch
related issues-=- . This help extends to spyware removal as well.

I hope this post is helpful.

Good luck

"carlos perez" wrote:

i have windows vista ultimate, but when i go to windows update SP1 doesn`t
appear and i have installed all the requirements
thanks in advance
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