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Sun plans server with AMD's Opteron
http://news.com.com/2100-1006_3-5104444.html?tag=nefd_top << Sun Microsystems Chief Executive Scott McNealy is expected to announce his company's intention to sell servers using Advanced Micro Devices' Opteron processor--a significant ...
Mensaje publicado en el 08/11/2003 - 08:23
[hardware] Pentium V will launch with 64-bit Windows Elements
DETAILS HAVE EMERGED of the future design of Intel's Tejas/Pentium V processor, and of how the chip firm will present it to the world. The chip will sample internally at Intel in January 2004 and will take between four to six months to get to ...
Mensaje publicado en el 28/09/2003 - 18:28
[news] Microsoft Sets Date for Office 2003
Retail availability expected at launch on Oct. 21, sources say http://www.microsoft-watch.com/article2/0,4248,1220264,00.asp Jose Manuel Tella Llop MS MVP - DTS jmtella@compuserve.com Este mensaje se proporciona "como está" sin ...
Mensaje publicado en el 14/08/2003 - 22:37