Solucionado Compartir Directorios desde C#

25/05/2005 - 07:08 por Nathaly | Informe spam
Chavos... para todos aquellos que mencionaban que no se podia compartir
directorios desde programacion en C# les remito el codigo que si logra
hacer esto...por si lo necesitan algun dia...

using System;

using System.Diagnostics;

using System.Collections;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace ADSI_Net


class NetApi32


public enum NetError


NERR_Success = 0,

NERR_BASE = 2100,

NERR_UnknownDevDir = (NERR_BASE + 16),

NERR_DuplicateShare = (NERR_BASE + 18),

NERR_BufTooSmall = (NERR_BASE + 23),


public enum SHARE_TYPE : ulong






STYPE_SPECIAL = 0x80000000,


[ StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential )]

public struct SHARE_INFO_502



public string shi502_netname;

public uint shi502_type;


public string shi502_remark;

public Int32 shi502_permissions;

public Int32 shi502_max_uses;

public Int32 shi502_current_uses;


public string shi502_path;

public IntPtr shi502_passwd;

public Int32 shi502_reserved;

public IntPtr shi502_security_descriptor;



public static extern int NetShareAdd(


string strServer, Int32 dwLevel, IntPtr buf, IntPtr parm_err);


class AD_ShareUtil


public AD_ShareUtil()



public void CreateShareDirectory(string strServe,string
strShareFoldeWithPath,string strShareNam,string strShareDes)


string strServer = @strServe;

string strShareFolder = @strShareFoldeWithPath;

string strShareName = @strShareNam;

string strShareDesc = @strShareDes;

NetApi32.NetError nRetVal = 0;

nRetVal = CreateShare(strServer,strShareFolder,strShareName,strShareDesc,

if (nRetVal == NetApi32.NetError.NERR_Success)


Console.WriteLine("Share {0} created", strShareName);


else if (nRetVal == NetApi32.NetError.NERR_DuplicateShare)


Console.WriteLine("Share {0} already exists",




NetApi32.NetError CreateShare(string strServer,

string strPath,

string strShareName,

string strShareDesc,

bool bAdmin)


NetApi32.SHARE_INFO_502 shInfo
new ADSI_Net.NetApi32.SHARE_INFO_502();

shInfo.shi502_netname = strShareName;


if (bAdmin)



shInfo.shi502_netname += "$";


shInfo.shi502_permissions = 0;

shInfo.shi502_path = strPath;

shInfo.shi502_passwd = IntPtr.Zero;

shInfo.shi502_remark = strShareDesc;

shInfo.shi502_max_uses = -1;

shInfo.shi502_security_descriptor = IntPtr.Zero;

string strTargetServer = strServer;

if (strServer.Length != 0)


strTargetServer = strServer;

if (strServer[0] != '\\')


strTargetServer = "\\\\" + strServer;



int nRetValue = 0;

// Call Net API to add the share..

int nStSize = Marshal.SizeOf(shInfo);

IntPtr buffer = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(nStSize);

Marshal.StructureToPtr(shInfo, buffer, false);

nRetValue = NetApi32.NetShareAdd(strTargetServer, 502,

buffer, IntPtr.Zero);

Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( buffer );

return (NetApi32.NetError)nRetValue;




thank you JAIME solo se necesitan algunos ajustes para que el codigo

Leer las respuestas

#1 Tristan
25/05/2005 - 14:27 | Informe spam
Me alegro de que hayas encontrado una solución.

Tenías otras formas, quizá más sencillas, por ejemplo:

ManagementClass win32Share = new ManagementClass("Win32_Share");
win32Share.InvokeMethod("Create", new object[] {
@"c:\Compartida", "Compartida", 0, 5, "Carpeta compartida", null});

Juan Carlos Badiola Saiz
MVP - C#

"Nathaly" wrote:

Chavos... para todos aquellos que mencionaban que no se podia compartir
directorios desde programacion en C# les remito el codigo que si logra
hacer esto...por si lo necesitan algun dia...

using System;

using System.Diagnostics;

using System.Collections;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace ADSI_Net


class NetApi32


public enum NetError


NERR_Success = 0,

NERR_BASE = 2100,

NERR_UnknownDevDir = (NERR_BASE + 16),

NERR_DuplicateShare = (NERR_BASE + 18),

NERR_BufTooSmall = (NERR_BASE + 23),


public enum SHARE_TYPE : ulong






STYPE_SPECIAL = 0x80000000,


[ StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential )]

public struct SHARE_INFO_502



public string shi502_netname;

public uint shi502_type;


public string shi502_remark;

public Int32 shi502_permissions;

public Int32 shi502_max_uses;

public Int32 shi502_current_uses;


public string shi502_path;

public IntPtr shi502_passwd;

public Int32 shi502_reserved;

public IntPtr shi502_security_descriptor;



public static extern int NetShareAdd(


string strServer, Int32 dwLevel, IntPtr buf, IntPtr parm_err);


class AD_ShareUtil


public AD_ShareUtil()



public void CreateShareDirectory(string strServe,string
strShareFoldeWithPath,string strShareNam,string strShareDes)


string strServer = @strServe;

string strShareFolder = @strShareFoldeWithPath;

string strShareName = @strShareNam;

string strShareDesc = @strShareDes;

NetApi32.NetError nRetVal = 0;

nRetVal = CreateShare(strServer,strShareFolder,strShareName,strShareDesc,

if (nRetVal == NetApi32.NetError.NERR_Success)


Console.WriteLine("Share {0} created", strShareName);


else if (nRetVal == NetApi32.NetError.NERR_DuplicateShare)


Console.WriteLine("Share {0} already exists",




NetApi32.NetError CreateShare(string strServer,

string strPath,

string strShareName,

string strShareDesc,

bool bAdmin)


NetApi32.SHARE_INFO_502 shInfo >
new ADSI_Net.NetApi32.SHARE_INFO_502();

shInfo.shi502_netname = strShareName;

shInfo.shi502_type >

if (bAdmin)


shInfo.shi502_type >

shInfo.shi502_netname += "$";


shInfo.shi502_permissions = 0;

shInfo.shi502_path = strPath;

shInfo.shi502_passwd = IntPtr.Zero;

shInfo.shi502_remark = strShareDesc;

shInfo.shi502_max_uses = -1;

shInfo.shi502_security_descriptor = IntPtr.Zero;

string strTargetServer = strServer;

if (strServer.Length != 0)


strTargetServer = strServer;

if (strServer[0] != '\\')


strTargetServer = "\\\\" + strServer;



int nRetValue = 0;

// Call Net API to add the share..

int nStSize = Marshal.SizeOf(shInfo);

IntPtr buffer = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(nStSize);

Marshal.StructureToPtr(shInfo, buffer, false);

nRetValue = NetApi32.NetShareAdd(strTargetServer, 502,

buffer, IntPtr.Zero);

Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( buffer );

return (NetApi32.NetError)nRetValue;




thank you JAIME solo se necesitan algunos ajustes para que el codigo

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