Cifra a Letras

15/03/2011 - 17:55 por 73ll0 | Informe spam
Hola a todos.
Soy Luis y tengo la siguiente pregunta:
Estoy utilizando una Macro que hize para convertir moneda en numeros a letras, pero el asunto está en que cuando la cifra es 1000 me pone "Un Mil" y quiero que solo sea "Mil".
Ejem.: 1500 = Un Mil Quinientos Balboas con 00/100
En vez quiero que sea "Mil Quinientos Balboas con 00/100

Les paso el codigo para ver quien me puede ayudar con esto:

Function NALET(Number As Double, Optional Kurrencys As String, Optional Kurrency As String) As String
If Kurrencys = "" Then
Kurrencys = "Balboas con"
Kurrency = "Balboa con"
End If
If Kurrency = "" Then Kurrency = Kurrencys
Const MinNum = 0#
Const MaxNum = 4294967295.99
Dim Result As String
If (Number >= MinNum) And (Number <= MaxNum) Then
Dim Kurrenzy As String
Kurrenzy = Kurrency
If Number >= 2 Then Kurrenzy = Kurrencys
Result = RecurseNumber((Fix(Number)))
If Round((Number - Fix(Number)) * 100) < 10 Then
Result = Result + " " + Kurrenzy + " 0" + Mid(Str(Round((Number - Fix(Number)) * 100)), 2, 1) + "/100"
Result = Result + " " + Kurrenzy + " " + Mid(Str(Round((Number - Fix(Number)) * 100)), 2, 2) + "/100"
End If
Result = "Error, verifique la cantidad."
End If
NALET = Result
End Function
Function RecurseNumber(N As Long) As String
Dim Numbers, Tenths, Hundrens
Numbers = Array("Cero", "Un", "Dos", "Tres", "Cuatro", "Cinco", "Seis", "Siete", "Ocho", "Nueve", "Diez", "Once", "Doce", "Trece", "Catorce", "Quince", "Dieciséis", "Diecisiete", "Dieciocho", "Diecinueve", "Veinte", _
"Veintiún", "Veintidós", "Veintitrés", "Veinticuatro", "Veinticinco", "Veintiséis", "Veintisiete", "Veintiocho", "Veintinueve")
Tenths = Array("Cero", "Diez", "Veinte", "Treinta", "Cuarenta", "Cincuenta", "Sesenta", "Setenta", "Ochenta", "Noventa", "Cien")
Hundrens = Array("Cero", "Ciento", "Doscientos", "Trescientos", "Cuatrocientos", "Quinientos", "Seiscientos", "Setecientos", "Ochocientos", "Novecientos")
Dim Result As String
Select Case N
Case 0
Result = ""
Case 1 To 29
Result = Numbers(N)
Case 30 To 100
Result = Tenths(N \ 10) + IIf(N Mod 10 <> 0, " Y " + RecurseNumber(N Mod 10), "")
Case 101 To 999
Result = Hundrens(N \ 100) + IIf(N Mod 100 <> 0, " " + RecurseNumber(N Mod 100), "")
Case 1000 To 999999
Result = RecurseNumber(N \ 1000) + " Mil" + IIf(N Mod 1000 <> 0, " " + RecurseNumber(N Mod 1000), "")
End Select
RecurseNumber = Result
End Function
Sub Nl()
End Sub

Luis Gonzalez

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#1 Johann Romero G.
19/03/2011 - 18:40 | Informe spam
On 15 mar, 11:55, 73ll0 wrote:
Hola a todos.
 Soy Luis y tengo la siguiente pregunta:
 Estoy utilizando una Macro que hize para convertir moneda en numeros a letras,
 pero el asunto está en que cuando la cifra es 1000 me pone "Un
 Mil" y quiero que solo sea "Mil".
 Ejem.: 1500 = Un Mil Quinientos Balboas con 00/100
 En vez quiero que sea "Mil Quinientos Balboas con 00/100

 Les paso el codigo para ver quien me puede ayudar con esto:

 Function NALET(Number As Double, Optional Kurrencys As String, Optional
 As String) As String
 If Kurrencys = "" Then
 Kurrencys = "Balboas con"
 Kurrency = "Balboa con"
 End If
 If Kurrency = "" Then Kurrency = Kurrencys
 Const MinNum = 0#
 Const MaxNum = 4294967295.99
 Dim Result As String
 If (Number >= MinNum) And (Number <= MaxNum) Then
 Dim Kurrenzy As String
 Kurrenzy = Kurrency
 If Number >= 2 Then Kurrenzy = Kurrencys
 Result = RecurseNumber((Fix(Number)))
 If Round((Number - Fix(Number)) * 100) < 10 Then
 Result = Result + " " + Kurrenzy + " 0" +
 Mid(Str(Round((Number - Fix(Number)) * 100)), 2, 1) + "/100"
 Result = Result + " " + Kurrenzy + " " +
 Mid(Str(Round((Number - Fix(Number)) * 100)), 2, 2) + "/100"
 End If
 Result = "Error, verifique la cantidad."
 End If
 NALET = Result
 End Function
 Function RecurseNumber(N As Long) As String
 Dim Numbers, Tenths, Hundrens
 Numbers = Array("Cero", "Un", "Dos",
 "Tres", "Cuatro", "Cinco", "Seis",
 "Siete", "Ocho", "Nueve", "Diez",
 "Once", "Doce", "Trece", "Catorce",
 "Quince", "Dieciséis", "Diecisiete",
 "Dieciocho", "Diecinueve", "Veinte", _
 "Veintiún", "Veintidós",
 "Veintitrés", "Veinticuatro",
 "Veinticinco", "Veintiséis", "Veintisiete",
 "Veintiocho", "Veintinueve")
 Tenths = Array("Cero", "Diez", "Veinte",
 "Treinta", "Cuarenta", "Cincuenta",
 "Sesenta", "Setenta", "Ochenta",
 "Noventa", "Cien")
 Hundrens = Array("Cero", "Ciento", "Doscientos",
 "Trescientos", "Cuatrocientos", "Quinientos",
 "Seiscientos", "Setecientos", "Ochocientos",
 Dim Result As String
 Select Case N
 Case 0
 Result = ""
 Case 1 To 29
 Result = Numbers(N)
 Case 30 To 100
 Result = Tenths(N  10) + IIf(N Mod 10 <> 0, " Y " +
 RecurseNumber(N Mod 10), "")
 Case 101 To 999
 Result = Hundrens(N  100) + IIf(N Mod 100 <> 0, " " +
 RecurseNumber(N Mod 100), "")
 Case 1000 To 999999
 Result = RecurseNumber(N  1000) + " Mil" + IIf(N Mod 1000 <> 0,
 " " + RecurseNumber(N Mod 1000), "")
 End Select
 RecurseNumber = Result
 End Function
 Sub Nl()
 End Sub

 Luis Gonzalez

Hola Luis

Puedes probar usando esta macro,

Attribute VB_Name = "Module1"
Global Caract(15) As Integer
Global Unidad(9) As String
Global Teens(5) As String
Global Decenas(1 To 9) As String
Global Centenas(1 To 9) As String

Function Num2Txt(Numero As Double) As String
Unidad(0) = "Cero"
Unidad(1) = "Un"
Unidad(2) = "Dos"
Unidad(3) = "Tres"
Unidad(4) = "Cuatro"
Unidad(5) = "Cinco"
Unidad(6) = "Seis"
Unidad(7) = "Siete"
Unidad(8) = "Ocho"
Unidad(9) = "Nueve"
'10 al 15
Teens(0) = "Diez"
Teens(1) = "Once"
Teens(2) = "Doce"
Teens(3) = "Trece"
Teens(4) = "Catorce"
Teens(5) = "Quince"
'20 al 90
Decenas(1) = "Diez"
Decenas(2) = "Veinte"
Decenas(3) = "Treinta"
Decenas(4) = "Cuarenta"
Decenas(5) = "Cincuenta"
Decenas(6) = "Sesenta"
Decenas(7) = "Setenta"
Decenas(8) = "Ochenta"
Decenas(9) = "Noventa"
'100 al 900
Centenas(1) = "Cien"
Centenas(2) = "Doscientos"
Centenas(3) = "Trescientos"
Centenas(4) = "Cuatrocientos"
Centenas(5) = "Quinientos"
Centenas(6) = "Seiscientos"
Centenas(7) = "Setecientos"
Centenas(8) = "Ochocientos"
Centenas(9) = "Novecientos"

Dim NumPPP As String
Dim NumStr As String
Dim Largo As Integer

NumStr = ""
NumPPP = ""
For I = 1 To (15 - Len(CStr(Numero)))
NumStr = NumStr + "0"
Next I
NumStr = NumStr + CStr(Numero)
For I = 1 To 15
Caract(I) = CInt(Mid(NumStr, I, 1))
Next I
Largo = Len(CStr(Numero))

Select Case Largo
Case 1 'Unidad
NumPPP = Unidad(Numero)
Case 2 'Decena
NumPPP = DecenaTxt(14) + Unidadtxt(15)
Case 3 'Centena
NumPPP = CentenaTxt(13) + DecenaTxt(14) + Unidadtxt(15)
Case 4 'Mil
NumPPP = MilTxt(12) + CentenaTxt(13) + DecenaTxt(14) +
Case 5 'Decena Mil
NumPPP = DecenaTxt(11) + MilTxt(12) + CentenaTxt(13) +
DecenaTxt(14) + Unidadtxt(15)
Case 6 'Centena Mil
NumPPP = CentenaTxt(10) + DecenaTxt(11) + MilTxt(12) +
CentenaTxt(13) + DecenaTxt(14) + Unidadtxt(15)
Case 7 'Millon
If Caract(9) = 1 Then
NumPPP = "Un Millón " + CentenaTxt(10) + DecenaTxt(11) +
MilTxt(12) + CentenaTxt(13) + DecenaTxt(14) + Unidadtxt(15)
NumPPP = MilTxt(9) + CentenaTxt(10) + DecenaTxt(11) +
MilTxt(12) + CentenaTxt(13) + DecenaTxt(14) + Unidadtxt(15)
End If
Case 8 'Decena Mill
NumPPP = DecenaTxt(8) + MilTxt(9) + CentenaTxt(10) +
DecenaTxt(11) + MilTxt(12) + CentenaTxt(13) + DecenaTxt(14) +
Case 9 'Centena Mill
NumPPP = CentenaTxt(7) + DecenaTxt(8) + MilTxt(9) +
CentenaTxt(10) + DecenaTxt(11) + MilTxt(12) + CentenaTxt(13) +
DecenaTxt(14) + Unidadtxt(15)
Case 10 'Mil Mill
NumPPP = MilTxt(6) + CentenaTxt(7) + DecenaTxt(8) + MilTxt(9) +
CentenaTxt(10) + DecenaTxt(11) + MilTxt(12) + CentenaTxt(13) +
DecenaTxt(14) + Unidadtxt(15)
Case 11 'Decena Mill
NumPPP = DecenaTxt(5) + MilTxt(6) + CentenaTxt(7) + DecenaTxt(8)
+ MilTxt(9) + CentenaTxt(10) + DecenaTxt(11) + MilTxt(12) +
CentenaTxt(13) + DecenaTxt(14) + Unidadtxt(15)
Case 12 'Centena Mill
NumPPP = CentenaTxt(4) + DecenaTxt(5) + MilTxt(6) +
CentenaTxt(7) + DecenaTxt(8) + MilTxt(9) + CentenaTxt(10) +
DecenaTxt(11) + MilTxt(12) + CentenaTxt(13) + DecenaTxt(14) +
Case 13 'Billon
If Caract(3) = 1 Then
NumPPP = "Un Billón " + CentenaTxt(4) + DecenaTxt(5) +
MilTxt(6) + CentenaTxt(7) + DecenaTxt(8) + MilTxt(9) + CentenaTxt(10)
+ DecenaTxt(11) + MilTxt(12) + CentenaTxt(13) + DecenaTxt(14) +
NumPPP = MilTxt(3) + "Billones " + CentenaTxt(4) +
DecenaTxt(5) + MilTxt(6) + CentenaTxt(7) + DecenaTxt(8) + MilTxt(9) +
CentenaTxt(10) + DecenaTxt(11) + MilTxt(12) + CentenaTxt(13) +
DecenaTxt(14) + Unidadtxt(15)
End If
Case 14 'Decena Bill
NumPPP = DecenaTxt(2) + MilTxt(3) + "Billones " + CentenaTxt(4)
+ DecenaTxt(5) + MilTxt(6) + CentenaTxt(7) + DecenaTxt(8) + MilTxt(9)
+ CentenaTxt(10) + DecenaTxt(11) + MilTxt(12) + CentenaTxt(13) +
DecenaTxt(14) + Unidadtxt(15)
Case 15 'Centena Bill
NumPPP = CentenaTxt(1) + DecenaTxt(2) + MilTxt(3) + "Billones "
+ CentenaTxt(4) + DecenaTxt(5) + MilTxt(6) + CentenaTxt(7) +
DecenaTxt(8) + MilTxt(9) + CentenaTxt(10) + DecenaTxt(11) + MilTxt(12)
+ CentenaTxt(13) + DecenaTxt(14) + Unidadtxt(15)
End Select
Num2Txt = NumPPP
End Function
Function Unidadtxt(pos As Integer) As String
If Caract(pos) > 0 And Caract(pos - 1) = 0 Then
Unidadtxt = Unidad(Caract(pos)) + " "
End If
End Function

Function DecenaTxt(pos As Integer) As String
Select Case Caract(pos)
Case 1
Select Case Caract(pos + 1)
Case Is < 6
Select Case pos
Case 14
DecenaTxt = Teens(Caract(pos + 1)) + " "
Case 8
DecenaTxt = Teens(Caract(pos + 1)) + " Millones "
Case 2
DecenaTxt = Teens(Caract(pos + 1)) + " "
Case 5
DecenaTxt = Teens(Caract(pos + 1)) + " Mil Millones "
Case Else
DecenaTxt = Teens(Caract(pos + 1)) + " Mil "
End Select
Case Is >= 6
Select Case pos
Case 14
DecenaTxt = Decenas(Caract(pos)) + " y " +
Unidad(Caract(pos + 1)) + " "
Case 2
DecenaTxt = Decenas(Caract(pos)) + " y " +
Unidad(Caract(pos + 1)) + " "
Case 8
DecenaTxt = Decenas(Caract(pos)) + " y " +
Unidad(Caract(pos + 1)) + " Millones "
Case 5
DecenaTxt = Decenas(Caract(pos)) + " y " +
Unidad(Caract(pos + 1)) + " Mil Millones "
Case Else
DecenaTxt = Decenas(Caract(pos)) + " y " +
Unidad(Caract(pos + 1)) + " Mil "
End Select
End Select
Case Is > 1
If Caract(pos + 1) > 0 Then
Select Case pos
Case 14
DecenaTxt = Decenas(Caract(pos)) + " y " +
Unidad(Caract(pos + 1)) + " "
Case 8
DecenaTxt = Decenas(Caract(pos)) + " y " +
Unidad(Caract(pos + 1)) + " Millones "
Case 5
DecenaTxt = Decenas(Caract(pos)) + " y " +
Unidad(Caract(pos + 1)) + " Mil Millones "
Case 2
DecenaTxt = Decenas(Caract(pos)) + " y " +
Unidad(Caract(pos + 1)) + " "
Case Else
DecenaTxt = Decenas(Caract(pos)) + " y " +
Unidad(Caract(pos + 1)) + " Mil "
End Select
Select Case pos
Case 14
DecenaTxt = Decenas(Caract(pos)) + " "
Case 8
DecenaTxt = Decenas(Caract(pos)) + " Millones "
Case 5
DecenaTxt = Decenas(Caract(pos)) + " Mil Millones "
Case 2
DecenaTxt = Decenas(Caract(pos)) + " "
Case Else
DecenaTxt = Decenas(Caract(pos)) + " Mil "
End Select
End If
End Select
End Function

Function CentenaTxt(pos As Integer) As String
Select Case Caract(pos)
Case 1
If Caract(pos + 1) = 0 And Caract(pos + 2) = 0 Then
Select Case pos
Case 4
CentenaTxt = "Cien Mil Millones "
Case 7
CentenaTxt = "Cien Millones "
Case 10
CentenaTxt = "Cien Mil "
Case Else
CentenaTxt = "Cien "
End Select
CentenaTxt = "Ciento "
End If
Case Is > 1
CentenaTxt = Centenas(Caract(pos)) + " "
End Select
End Function

Function MilTxt(pos As Integer) As String
If Caract(pos - 1) = 0 Then
Select Case Caract(pos)
Case 1
Select Case pos
Case 6
MilTxt = "Mil Millones "
Case 12
MilTxt = "Mil "
End Select
Case Is > 1
Select Case pos
Case 6
Case 12
MilTxt = Unidad(Caract(pos)) + " Mil "
Case 9
MilTxt = Unidad(Caract(pos)) + " Millones "
Case Else
MilTxt = Unidad(Caract(pos)) + " "
End Select
End Select
End If
End Function
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