[NEWS] Windows XP SP2 has released to manufacturing

06/08/2004 - 19:28 por Carlos | Informe spam
Final testing is complete and at 10:08am this morning we
signed off on build 2180 as Windows XP Service Pack 2,
releasing it to manufacturing. The final build will be
available to beta sites immediately at
http://windowsbeta.microsoft.com/download/dl3.asp. You
will find both English and German versions there, Japanese
will follow early next week.

Next week the service pack will be available on the
Microsoft Download Center for general download. In the
interim we're making the update available to you via the
beta web site.

If you are running RC2, or any other build released to
beta sites, we invite you to turn on Automatic Updates,
and starting on August 10th your system will automatically
download the express version of Windows XP SP2. For
typical home users this is about a 75 MB download; for
those on RC2 it should be less than 30 MB. As soon as the
background download is complete, you will be prompted to
install SP2 and to accept the EULA (SP2 does not install
automatically even if Automatic Updates is set to
automatically install security updates). If you have a
modem connection, don't "Cancel" the update once it's in
progress; just disconnect and when you reconnect later, it
will automatcially pick up where it left off until it

Q: What's next?

A: For the next 2 weeks the beta newsgroups will still be
available to you. We'll be in the newsgroups and hope
you'll discuss your experience with early SP2 deployments
there. On August 18th the newsgroups will close and we'll
move on to finding and fixing the bugs in Windows 2003
Server SP1.

Thanks for all your time and effort in driving the quality
high in SP2 and finding those tricky issue that only seem
to occur in the wild and never under laboratory
conditions. Be sure to verify and update your contact
information at http://beta.microsoft.com so we can get in
touch with you in the future.

I hope your experience testing SP2 was a good one. We've
saved the chat logs and when we build the next beta
program I'll see what we can do to implement some of your

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#16 Lili46
07/08/2004 - 04:47 | Informe spam
jijijiji ya comienzas a patalear :-))

Que se vaya que se vaya que se vaya que se vayaaaaa :-)

Como puedo instalar el directorio activo en mi Windows 98?
anda amiguito ayudame porfa sino le mando otra carta a
Microsoft USA para que te den un par de cocachos jijiji

Mil millones de ramoncitos si pueden estar equivocados,
todos son imbeciles

ya te veo pataleando :-)

vamos amiguito ass el ridiculo otra vez..

Hash: SHA1

¡Mil millones de Ille Corvus no pueden estar ,

come mierda!
Jijijijiji, chúpate esa, ludópata, que te gusta más un

bingo... ¿te has
gastado ya la paga de este mes que te ha dado tu tía la


¿No decías tú que Ille Corvus tiene una raja en lugar de

cuatro huevos
(dos delante y dos detrás)? Juajuajuajuajua
Ramón Sola @ Málaga (España) / MVP Windows - Shell/User
(quitar "IFeelGreat")

Lili46 () redactó su

news:1ba101c47c1f$0d8b2630$ y vio que era
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#17 Anonimo
07/08/2004 - 04:52 | Informe spam
jiji chavito no patalees que te quito la torta de JAMON

eso eso eso eso :-)

No puedo entrar a Windows 98 me has baneado otra vez? me
estas enfureciendo y cuando me enfuresco envio cartas a
microsoft USA cuidate ramoncito chavito que pronto vas a
dejar de ser sucio y maloliente jijijiji

eso eso eso eso :-)

Un coscorron de despedida XXDD

Hash: SHA1

"¡Te voy a acusar con mi mamá!"
Te pareces al bobalicón de Quico, el vecino "niño bien"

del Chavo del
Ocho, jojojojojojo.

Ramón Sola @ Málaga (España) / MVP Windows - Shell/User
(quitar "IFeelGreat")

Lili46 () redactó su

news:187001c47c1f$8d172070$ y vio que era

jijiji yo tambien me acuerdo de este niño cuando lo

loco y tuvo que irse insultado a medio mundo jiji aunque
luego regreso avergonsado y haciendose el chistoso
jijijijijijijij fue el asmereir de todo usenet jijijij

No me banees tampoco tu pega kbs sino te acuso con
Microsoft USA.
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#18 Anonimo
07/08/2004 - 04:56 | Informe spam
eso eso eso eso :-)

adios cariñin deja ya de comportarte mal que te cae un

Mejor vete a dakota hacer tu patleta jijijijijiji

Besitos Lili.

Hash: SHA1

Adiós, pichoncito... Ojalá algún cazador te dispare un

perdigonazo el día
menos pensado, jojojojo...
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#19 Prueba webnews
07/08/2004 - 11:11 | Informe spam

"Carlos" wrote:

Final testing is complete and at 10:08am this morning we
signed off on build 2180 as Windows XP Service Pack 2,
releasing it to manufacturing. The final build will be
available to beta sites immediately at
http://windowsbeta.microsoft.com/download/dl3.asp. You
will find both English and German versions there, Japanese
will follow early next week.

Next week the service pack will be available on the
Microsoft Download Center for general download. In the
interim we're making the update available to you via the
beta web site.

If you are running RC2, or any other build released to
beta sites, we invite you to turn on Automatic Updates,
and starting on August 10th your system will automatically
download the express version of Windows XP SP2. For
typical home users this is about a 75 MB download; for
those on RC2 it should be less than 30 MB. As soon as the
background download is complete, you will be prompted to
install SP2 and to accept the EULA (SP2 does not install
automatically even if Automatic Updates is set to
automatically install security updates). If you have a
modem connection, don't "Cancel" the update once it's in
progress; just disconnect and when you reconnect later, it
will automatcially pick up where it left off until it

Q: What's next?

A: For the next 2 weeks the beta newsgroups will still be
available to you. We'll be in the newsgroups and hope
you'll discuss your experience with early SP2 deployments
there. On August 18th the newsgroups will close and we'll
move on to finding and fixing the bugs in Windows 2003
Server SP1.

Thanks for all your time and effort in driving the quality
high in SP2 and finding those tricky issue that only seem
to occur in the wild and never under laboratory
conditions. Be sure to verify and update your contact
information at http://beta.microsoft.com so we can get in
touch with you in the future.

I hope your experience testing SP2 was a good one. We've
saved the chat logs and when we build the next beta
program I'll see what we can do to implement some of your

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#20 Jordi Gómez i Varderi
07/08/2004 - 13:11 | Informe spam
Le ruego a usted que deje de "postear" estos penosos textos que no hacen más
que molestar al grupo y descalificarla a vd. misma.
Por lo que respecta a las amenazas a Ramón Sola, más de lo mismo, con la
diferencia de que todos los que le conocemos, al menos un poco por ser
habituales de este foro, sabemos que no tiene absolutamente nada que temer y
mucho de que reirse de que alguien, que "postee" como vd., le denuncie.
Quizás incluso puede él tener una cierta satisfacción de formar parte del
grupo de los que son descalificados por personas que expresan lo que usted,
ya que se produce el efecto inverso.
Me parece que le conviene a vd. una serena reflexión.
Por mi parte reciba un saludo cordial.

Jordi Gómez i Varderi

(no cuentes conmigo si me quieres escribir)

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