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[news] Microsoft to release tiny XP service pack?
THE RUMOUR IS that Microsoft has got into such a flap about the Blaster worm that it's readying a small service pack called SP1a for Windows XP, which might emerge within the next two weeks. Except it can't be called SP1a as there is one of those ...
Mensaje publicado en el 17/08/2003 - 22:40
Earn $500 to $700 per Week Downloading FREE Software
We know it sounds TOO good to BE true, but it’s REAL! Our International Technology firm will pay you hard cash each time FREE software is downloaded. Best of all you will only have to download ONE piece of software ONE time for FREE and you ...
Mensaje publicado en el 16/08/2003 - 03:17
Earn $500 to $700 per Week Downloading FREE Software
We know it sounds TOO good to BE true, but it’s REAL! Our International Technology firm will pay you hard cash each time FREE software is downloaded. Best of all you will only have to download ONE piece of software ONE time for FREE and you ...
Mensaje publicado en el 16/08/2003 - 03:17
Earn $500 to $700 per Week Downloading FREE Software
We know it sounds TOO good to BE true, but it’s REAL! Our International Technology firm will pay you hard cash each time FREE software is downloaded. Best of all you will only have to download ONE piece of software ONE time for FREE and you ...
Mensaje publicado en el 16/08/2003 - 03:17
Earn $500 to $700 per Week Downloading FREE Software
We know it sounds TOO good to BE true, but it’s REAL! Our International Technology firm will pay you hard cash each time FREE software is downloaded. Best of all you will only have to download ONE piece of software ONE time for FREE and you ...
Mensaje publicado en el 16/08/2003 - 03:16
Earn $500 to $700 per Week Downloading FREE Software
We know it sounds TOO good to BE true, but it’s REAL! Our International Technology firm will pay you hard cash each time FREE software is downloaded. Best of all you will only have to download ONE piece of software ONE time for FREE and you ...
Mensaje publicado en el 16/08/2003 - 03:15
Idiomas de Word
Deseo utilizar el corrector de ortografía de Word (Office XP) sobre textos en idiomas tales como el Portugués, Alemán, Italiano, Francés, etc. Sin embargo, el corrector siempre me responde que el idioma no está ...
Mensaje publicado en el 14/08/2003 - 14:49
Scheduled Tasks while Windows is locked
I am trying to run a simple batch file that runs a VB programs and inserts data into a database on our web server. However, when the computer is locked it will not run until I unlock Windows and the Error Report has been sent off to Microsoft. ...
Mensaje publicado en el 13/08/2003 - 17:50
Angulo entre dos puntos
Hola Necesito calcular el ángulo entre dos puntos y buscando en google, he encontrado una función para VB .NET. Yo utilizo VB 6 y parece que no tengo la función atan2 ¿Pueden ayudarme? Les adjunto la susodicha ...
Mensaje publicado en el 04/08/2003 - 00:49
[info] Nero 6 Recode introduces 'bug' that could wipe hard drive -BUG que puede borrar todo el contenido del disco duro-
A German online magazine reports that Nero 6 contains a 'bug' that could delete your entire harddrive. The bug is introduced with the Nero 6 Recode project. Bug might even not be the correct word for it, it seems more that Ahead forgot to ...
Mensaje publicado en el 31/07/2003 - 17:19
Missing Commands
I have a PowerSpec 7806 computer, running Windows Millenium Edition. The other day I turned my machine on and it seemed to boot up all right, but no icons appeared on my desktop. To make a long story shorter, I finally thought maybe I would have to ...
Mensaje publicado en el 28/07/2003 - 17:54
EARN$£$600\week downloading free software We know it sounds TOO good to BE true, but it’s REAL! Our International Technology firm will pay you hard cash each time FREE software is downloaded. Best of all you will only have to download ONE piece of ...
Mensaje publicado en el 28/07/2003 - 03:54
Carpeta CCS Carpeta del Sistema de Windows
He reinstalado en dos ocasiones un equipo debido a que presenta el siguiente problema: "El disco duro no tiene espacio suficiente para almacenar datos", entonces borro lo innecesario, pero he notado que existe una carpeta en Windows XP que ...
Mensaje publicado en el 23/07/2003 - 16:35
VB6 y las variables de modulo de clase en COM+
Hola, quisiera saber alguna opinión respecto a un asunto sobre variables en módulos de clases Visual Basic 6 corriendo en COM+. ¿ Existe en realidad algún problema de "volatilidad" con las variables de ...
Mensaje publicado en el 18/07/2003 - 20:40