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fatal error 535FF5CH
I have installed Windows 98 S.E. I try to install Windows XP SP 2, but I see: Fatal error 535FF5CH, consult Microsoft... I have a Pentium 3-1.000 I need to install windows XP SP 2 Can you help me? Thanks a lot Rosa
Mensaje publicado en el 14/02/2005 - 10:31
Update for Microsoft Internet Explorer HTML Elements Vulnerability
Update for Microsoft Internet Explorer HTML Elements Vulnerability http://www.us-cert.gov/cas/techalerts/TA04-336A.html Original release date: December 1, 2004 Last revised: December 3, 2004 Source: US-CERT Systems Affected Microsoft Windows ...
Mensaje publicado en el 04/12/2004 - 17:35
Error con Docmemory
Me he bajado el programa, en concreto la versión 2_2b.zip. Al descomprimirlo observo que incluye cuatro archivos: 1) docmem.bin 2) readme.txt 3) INSTALL.BAT 4) RAWRITE.EXE Pues bien, según dice el txt, ejecuto el 3) y me sale un flash ...
Mensaje publicado en el 02/12/2004 - 08:24
Me he bajado el programa, en concreto la versión 2_2b.zip. Al descomprimirlo observo que incluye cuatro archivos: 1) docmem.bin 2) readme.txt 3) INSTALL.BAT 4) RAWRITE.EXE Pues bien, según dice el txt, ejecuto el 3) y me sale un flash ...
Mensaje publicado en el 02/12/2004 - 08:12
Outlook Express 6
Hi, I want to know can I install Outlook Express 6 on Win98 SE? two time I try install but every time after restart I have outlook 5. Thanks
Mensaje publicado en el 27/09/2004 - 03:07
Windows XP SP2 more secure? Not so fast
(ZDNet) It's late. It's large. But Microsoft's much heralded Windows XP Service Pack 2 has finally arrived. Right now, manufacturers and large-systems operators are getting their first look at the final version of SP2. By the end of August, ...
Mensaje publicado en el 21/08/2004 - 12:09
Trying install old hard drives into a new barebones system. As I am trying to install XP the blue screen hangs at "setup is opening windows" for a long time. Then I get the following message. A problem has been detected and windows has ...
Mensaje publicado en el 12/08/2004 - 20:06
Windows NT4 Security Rollup Package
I am trying to install Windows NT4 Security Rollup Package on my machine (I am currently and SP 6a). When I run the executable I've download from MS, it expands to a temp directory then tells me it can't read setup.log in my repair directory. This ...
Mensaje publicado en el 22/10/2003 - 15:06
Windows Update No funciona! (?)
Buenas! Hace unos dias una amiga ha llegado a la "bella" Linz y sucede que desde que llego hay muchas cosas que no funcionan, por ejemplo el WU no va, le sale este error (lo pego al final), la pagina de hotmail tampoco va. He intentado ...
Mensaje publicado en el 04/10/2003 - 18:39
[news] Microsoft to release tiny XP service pack?
THE RUMOUR IS that Microsoft has got into such a flap about the Blaster worm that it's readying a small service pack called SP1a for Windows XP, which might emerge within the next two weeks. Except it can't be called SP1a as there is one of those ...
Mensaje publicado en el 17/08/2003 - 22:40
Problem with Centre of Security, of Microsoft in Windows Vista
Hello, I need help for a problem that I have. The Centre of Security, can't find an antivirus software, but I think tat there's a problem because I have install in my computer Panda Global Protection 2009, but when I have installed others as AVG, ...
Mensaje publicado en el 17/04/2009 - 16:29
Windows Installer
I can not install and I have the message that the Windows installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if you are running Windows in safe mode, or if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed.
Mensaje publicado en el 12/11/2007 - 00:57
In Modasuavita is the Solution
I can say that modasuavita there is a option for install Novasoft on Windows server 2003. they can help you, for implement Novasoft to acces through Internet en Bogota se esta trabajando Novasoft sobre Windows server 2003
Mensaje publicado en el 20/10/2007 - 22:34
Blocking threats from USB storage device
USB storage devices have gained popularity nowadays. However, they are always host to viruses, Trojans, hacker toolkits, worms and other kinds of malicious programs. For example, when you plug your USB disk into a computer that is infected by ...
Mensaje publicado en el 21/07/2007 - 04:33