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StarOffice 8 Learns From MS Office
StarOffice 8 Learns From MS Office By David Worthington, BetaNews February 17, 2005, 8:10 PM Basking in the limelight of LinuxWorld, Sun used the occasion to show off a working mock-up of the next version of its StarOffice productivity software. In ...
Mensaje publicado en el 19/02/2005 - 00:26
a warning appering
everytime a conect to internet (automatically when i on the PC)i receive this warning continuosly (every 15 seconds more or less): "warning your computer is at risk. spyware detected on your pc. windows did not find spyware protection on this ...
Mensaje publicado en el 15/02/2005 - 05:27
Do they not even *use* Automatic Updates?!?
http://blogs.msdn.com/michkap/archive/2005/01/31/363761.aspx Do they not even *use* Automatic Updates?!? I have been reading people all over the internet who hate that Microsoft is perhaps in the future going to limit Windows Update to legal copies ...
Mensaje publicado en el 02/02/2005 - 00:06
navegar entre directorios con comnados DOS
If you spend time working at the Command Prompt, you know how frustrating it can be to navigate between different folders using the Change Directory (CD) command. For example, if the folder name contains multiple words, you must remember to enclose ...
Mensaje publicado en el 27/01/2005 - 12:28
Colores en CListCtrl
En un pequeñon programa que utiliza un CListCtrl para visualizar un listado en el que puede haber líneas de texto de tres colores diferentes utilizo la función OnCustomdrawList que en principio me funciona estupendamente pero, ...
Mensaje publicado en el 21/01/2005 - 19:24
modificar valores por defecto del firewall de SP2
Altering Windows Firewall's default settings via an INF file The Windows Firewall that comes with Windows XP Service Pack 2 is a stateful host firewall. It discards all unsolicited incoming traffic that doesn't correspond to either traffic sent in ...
Mensaje publicado en el 10/12/2004 - 17:02
Can't load Res_dll
I do not know what happen. My computer every time show a windows that say: Load dll error Cant Load Res_dll I would like to know why and the solution. I formatted my hard disk and re install windows XP and all the actulizations and the same ...
Mensaje publicado en el 07/12/2004 - 04:33
Xml 2004 just 3 weeks away
XML 2004 Conference & Exposition –“From Syntax to Solutions” November 15-19, 2004 – Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, D.C. http://www.xmlconference.org XML 2004 is just 3 weeks away. The largest continuously ...
Mensaje publicado en el 26/10/2004 - 15:50
Officement Wokflow AddIn - Add workflow to office - www.officement
Officement WorkFlow is a Microsoft Office AddIn created to add workflow capabilities to office documents (Word, Excel, InfoPath, etc.) Officement Workflow is a true human workflow that provides organizations with the ability to design, execute, ...
Mensaje publicado en el 21/10/2004 - 00:49
Microsoft Operating System 'asycpict.dll' Lets Remote Users Crash the System
SecurityTracker Alert ID: 1011706 SecurityTracker URL: http://securitytracker.com/id?1011706 CVE Reference: GENERIC-MAP-NOMATCH (Links to External Site) Date: Oct 15 2004 Impact: Denial of service via network Description: A vulnerability was ...
Mensaje publicado en el 15/10/2004 - 21:39
[Info] VBS para cambiar password's de dominio
http://techrepublic.com.com/5100-6268_11-5198818.html ' - ' Developer: Randy Barger (randy_barger@yahoo.com) ' Last Modified: February 23, 2004 ' Description: This script will read in a list of computer account names ' from a file (created ...
Mensaje publicado en el 09/10/2004 - 18:25
Outlook Express 6
Hi, I want to know can I install Outlook Express 6 on Win98 SE? two time I try install but every time after restart I have outlook 5. Thanks
Mensaje publicado en el 27/09/2004 - 03:07
Descubierto un SERIO agujero de Seguridad en Windows XP SP2
PC-WELT discovers and fixes serious security issue in Windows XP SP2 http://www.pcwelt.de/know-how/extras/103039/ Traduccion Automatica ...
Mensaje publicado en el 17/09/2004 - 23:39
Windows XP SP2 more secure? Not so fast
(ZDNet) It's late. It's large. But Microsoft's much heralded Windows XP Service Pack 2 has finally arrived. Right now, manufacturers and large-systems operators are getting their first look at the final version of SP2. By the end of August, ...
Mensaje publicado en el 21/08/2004 - 12:09