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[INFO] RE- DE/ JHF Reenvio.
De: "Jim Eshelman" <newsgroups@NSaumha.org> Asunto: Wikn 95/98/ME - Information, tips, and techniques Fecha: martes, 18 de noviembre de 2003 15:35 In the spirit of exchanging information, tips, and techniques regarding Microsoft ...
Mensaje publicado en el 18/11/2003 - 17:35
[Script] Clase VBScript para gestión de fechas y horas
Cortesía de Alex K. Angelopoulus [MVP] publicado en "microsoft.public.scripting.wsh" Here's a date-and-time calculation class for people to look at, reuse, and comment on as they see fit. (Paging Dr. Stockton!) This is all ...
Mensaje publicado en el 03/11/2003 - 21:28
(OT) Nuevo update seguridad
MICROSOFT SECURITY UPDATE ALERT October 15, 2003 SECURITY UPDATES FOR WINDOWS The security updates for October 2003 address newly discovered issues in Microsoft(R) Windows(R). To learn more about the updates and which products are affected, review ...
Mensaje publicado en el 15/10/2003 - 21:01
[news] MS continúa el soporte de MS Java hasta Septiembre del 2004
http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml;jsessionid=UHOP3HDJU3K0YCRBAEOCFEY?type=technologyNews&storyID567351 Microsoft Corp said on Tuesday that it would carry Sun Microsystems Inc.'s Java programming language in the Windows operating system ...
Mensaje publicado en el 07/10/2003 - 15:18
Application Compatibility Toolkit 3.0
para que el toro no pille a nadie desprevenido The Windows Application Compatibility Toolkit version 3.0 for Windows 2000 with Service Pack 3 or later, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 contains the tools and documentation you need to design, ...
Mensaje publicado en el 11/07/2003 - 16:46