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The system detected a possible attempt to compromise security
I currently run in a WIndows Server 2003 functional level domain with 8 servers. Two of my servers DC and DC2 act as the domain controllers for the domain. DC holds the RID and PDC roles, while DC2 holds the Infrastrucure and Domain Naming Roles. ...
Mensaje publicado en el 07/11/2007 - 16:21
MI5 Persecution: Bernard Levin 1/6/96 (1479)
Subject: Re: "FANATIC'S FARE FOR THE COMMON MAN" Newsgroups: uk.misc,uk.media,uk.legal,uk.politics.misc Followup-To: uk.misc,uk.media,uk.legal,uk.politics.misc References: <Ds0L1o.BMF.0.bloor@torfree.net> ...
Mensaje publicado en el 19/08/2007 - 19:09
MI5 Persecution: abuse in set-up situations and in public
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -= abuse in set-up situations and in public --=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Strangers in the street have recognized me on sight many times, and shown awareness of the current thread of ...
Mensaje publicado en el 27/12/2006 - 05:43
eMule: Nueva Version: 0.47b
Pues ya a salido Disponible en http://www.emule-project.net/home/perl/gen...cgi?rm=download La lista d cambios es: - Sep, 7. 2006 - Ornis: Added progressbar during archive scanning for live archive preview - Sep, 5. 2006 - .: eMule will take ...
Mensaje publicado en el 12/09/2006 - 20:19
OT] Windows Vista Tips & Tricks
http://www.chris123nt.com/guides/Beta1_5112/ Welcome & Overview Well it has been a long time coming, Windows Vista Beta 1 is here! It all started on November 19, 2002 with the leak of the first Longhorn build we would ever see, 3683. This ...
Mensaje publicado en el 12/08/2005 - 10:22
AMD Debuts Athlon 64 X2
AMD Debuts Athlon 64 X2 http://www.neowin.net/comments.php?id(288&category=main AMD has lifted the press ban on its new dual-core desktop processors, and the results look promising. Most sites are reporting that the high end X2 chips from AMD ...
Mensaje publicado en el 09/05/2005 - 21:59
Windows XP SP2 more secure? Not so fast
(ZDNet) It's late. It's large. But Microsoft's much heralded Windows XP Service Pack 2 has finally arrived. Right now, manufacturers and large-systems operators are getting their first look at the final version of SP2. By the end of August, ...
Mensaje publicado en el 21/08/2004 - 12:09
[OT] Longhorn Developer Preview
Microsoft says it will finally give developers a peek at the next version of its omnipresent Windows operating system, code-named "Longhorn," in October at its professional developer's conference in Los Angeles. However, conference ...
Mensaje publicado en el 09/09/2003 - 19:44
error 13058 & GPO
Hola buenas tardes tengo un dominio con varios dc en cada sitio y he detectado que las politicas de grupo no se ejecutan, he instalado el frsdiag y me da una gran cantidad de errores: FRSDiag v1.7 on 30/06/2008 17:51:19 .\RTM-CENTRAL on ...
Mensaje publicado en el 30/06/2008 - 18:11
como configurar mi correo de salida de yahoo
no puedo configurar out look com mi correo de salida de yahoo. Recibo pero no puedo enviar asi como tengo dos direcciones mas de correo y no puedo usar
Mensaje publicado en el 03/05/2007 - 03:51
Vista Hands On #4: Clean install with an upgrade key
I've been reading the breathless reports from other websites this week about the "Vista upgrade loophole." Most of it is typical echo-chamber stuff, and most of the reports I've read so far have gotten the basic facts wrong. The Setup ...
Mensaje publicado en el 19/02/2007 - 20:25
copiar carpeta entrada a un disco externo
Como puedo copiar mis mensajes recibidos en Out Look a una memoria externa??
Mensaje publicado en el 11/02/2007 - 06:06
Top 5 Reasons why you should NOT upgrade to Windows Vista
Top 5 Reasons why you should NOT upgrade to Windows Vista After hearing about some of the annoying, useless little features that the fine folks at Microsoft injected into Windows Vista, I decided to list the Top 5 Reasons not to upgrade to this ...
Mensaje publicado en el 15/10/2006 - 18:14