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Configuracion error
Tengo un equipo con S.op XP, y dos tarjetas de red instaladas, quiero cambiar la direccion IP, y cuando le doy aceptar y luego en repara para que me reconozca la nueva configuracion me arroja el siguiente error: "Cleaning the ARP cache". ...
Mensaje publicado en el 14/02/2006 - 20:21
[Actualizaciones] Ad-Aware SE1R91 08.02.2006
=Definition file Notification - Lavasoft News =SE1R91 08.02.2006 New Definitions: ==Adware.GAIN.WebSecureAlert Adware.Z-Quest Updated Definitions: ==Adware.CasinoClient Adware.DollarRevenue +3 Adware.GAIN.Dashbar +2 Adware.SystemProcess ...
Mensaje publicado en el 08/02/2006 - 16:29
[INFO] SE1R90 03.02.2006 Is Now Available, New Definition file for Ad-Aware SE
=Definition file Notification - Lavasoft News =SE1R90 03.02.2006 Note: In this release, we are adding a special family which potential new variants of existing content will be detected under. New family:- ?0 Possible New Malware 0″ ...
Mensaje publicado en el 03/02/2006 - 23:14
cross - Security and critical updates are available on ISO-9660 CD image files from the Microsoft Download Center
INTRODUCTION This article describes the ISO-9660 CD image files that contain security and critical updates for Microsoft Windows and for other Microsoft products. This article contains a link to the current ISO image file that is available on the ...
Mensaje publicado en el 12/01/2006 - 16:39
[Actualizaciones] Ad-Aware SE1R85 04.01.2006
=Definition file Notification - Lavasoft News =SE1R85 04.01.2006 New Definitions: ==Adware.WorldSearch Adware.ZenoSearch SpyArsenal GoldenKeylogger Win32.Backdoor.Agent Updated Definitions: ==Adware.CasinoClient DyFuCA Malware.Psguard ...
Mensaje publicado en el 04/01/2006 - 16:24
[Actualizaciones] Ad-Aware SE1R84 28.12.2005
=Definition file Notification - Lavasoft News =SE1R84 28.12.2005 New Definitions: ==Adware.Director +2 Adware.Z-Quest Updated Definitions: ==Adware.Pacimedia +2 BargainBuddy begin2search +2 CoolWebSearch +2 Malware.Psguard Malware.SpyAxe +14 ...
Mensaje publicado en el 28/12/2005 - 16:08
[Actualizaciones] Ad-Aware SE1R82 19.12.2005
=Definition file Notification - Lavasoft News =SE1R82 19.12.2005 New Definitions: ==Adware.BeSys Adware.DollarRevenue +2 Adware.Freeprod Toolbar Adware.Searchforit Adware.WeirdOnTheWeb Spyware.ActiveKeyLogger Spyware.ActMon Spyware.ActualSpy +2 ...
Mensaje publicado en el 19/12/2005 - 10:47
[Actualizaciones] Ad-Aware SE1R81 16.12.2005
=Definition file Notification - Lavasoft News =SE1R81 16.12.2005 Updated Definitions: ==Spyaxe +17 The MD5 checksum for the defs.ref file is 9d2d58bfcc809bc63c86cd4a7acbb605 Additional Information =You can use Webupdate to install the new ...
Mensaje publicado en el 16/12/2005 - 16:26
[Actualizaciones] Ad-Aware SE1R80 14.12.2005
=Definition file Notification - Lavasoft News =SE1R80 14.12.2005 New Definitions: ==Adware.Instafinder +3 MaxSpywareDetector Win32.Trojan.HotWorld Updated Definitions: =«etterInternet.Aurora Adintelligence.AproposToolbar +9 ...
Mensaje publicado en el 14/12/2005 - 18:58
it would like to more gain U$15000 or for only U$6????
Please, it reads this text to understand, he is very easy same! IT MULTIPLIES ITS MONEY: It more than transforms R$ 6,00 into R$ 15.000,00. Little time behind, I was looking at messages in fóruns (or newsgroup), that nor you are making ...
Mensaje publicado en el 13/12/2005 - 22:51
las variables de entorno de XP
yendo a inicio, ejecutar CMD podeis averiguar el valor de las siguientes variables de entorno: a.. ALLUSERSPROFILE: Lists the location of the All Users Profile. b.. APPDATA: Lists the location where applications store data by default. c.. CD: Lists ...
Mensaje publicado en el 08/12/2005 - 10:40
[Actualizaciones] Ad-Aware SE1R78 07.12.2005
=Definition file Notification - Lavasoft News =SE1R78 07.12.2005 Note: In this release, we have redesignated Adware.DashToolbar as Adware.GAIN.DashBar New Definitions: ==Adware.DashToolbar -> Adware.GAIN.Dashbar Adware.Universal +2 ...
Mensaje publicado en el 07/12/2005 - 18:41
Ayudar me por favor...mensaje en Ingles...Lo siento.
I wonder if you can help me please. I have a Toshiba Satellite Laptop which I am just upgrading. The thing is I would like to give the computer to my niece who is Spanish. Having reformatted the Hard Drive about 6 months ago, I realise that I have ...
Mensaje publicado en el 28/11/2005 - 22:34
[Actualizaciones] Ad-Aware SE1R76 22.11.2005
=Definition file Notification - Lavasoft News =SE1R76 22.11.2005 New Definitions: ==Adware.Pacimedia NetCat Spyware.PcAudit Updated Definitions: =«etterInternet.Aurora +6 Adintelligence.AproposToolbar begin2search ClickSpring CommonName ...
Mensaje publicado en el 22/11/2005 - 16:42