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Computer freezing up
We have Windows 98 as our operating system and are running Microsoft Word for Windows 2002. Whenever I leave my computer for a 15 to 20 minute period and return, no matter what program I am in, my computer is completely frozen and I have to shut ...
Mensaje publicado en el 12/11/2003 - 22:54
619: The especified port is not connected
Hi, Thanks for reading this. I have a problem with my dial up connection. Neither of them work after installing SP4. I can connect and after 1 minute (more or less) checking the user name and password I receive the following error message: 619: ...
Mensaje publicado en el 16/10/2003 - 16:49
Error 0x800CCC61
Saludos. Voy a exponer un poco la ENORME cantidad de pruebas que realicé. Antes que nada el equipo que estoy usando es un HP business desktop d530S que trae instalado el Windows XP y psoteriormente instalé el Office XP. Tanto el ...
Mensaje publicado en el 28/09/2003 - 23:54
Searching support for alt.binaries.flightsims.screenshots
Hello, First of all I apologize for the extreme long post here. I'm a regular poster over at alt.games.microsoft.flight-sim. Only today have I noticed the number of flight-sim newsgroups available. But one thing WE don't have yet is a binaries ...
Mensaje publicado en el 28/09/2003 - 09:50
error interno 2753
estoy intentando instalar hp photosamrt 320 digital camara y casi al final de esta inst. me da error interno 2753, lo cual no me deja intalar. alguien entiende algo sobre esto, si es asi le mando un saludo y que me heche un cable si puede. thank yuo ...
Mensaje publicado en el 16/09/2003 - 23:40
Program Crash - ThumbsPlus6.0
Today, I buy ThumbPlus 6,0, complete professional version. I uninstall & erased folder of the previous version (very old) and I installed the new program. When opening, the program warns to me: "ThumbsPlus 6,0 has detected a problem and it ...
Mensaje publicado en el 26/07/2003 - 23:05
I brought my pc in spain, after having it loaded all in english, because my spanish is not very good, after a windows update to wmp now everything is in spanish, how can i get it back to english so i can understand it. Ian.
Mensaje publicado en el 16/07/2003 - 10:12