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Issue with Office 2000 after copying partition to a new hard drive
I recently purchased a new Western Digital HD...and using the software (Data Lifeguard Tools V.11.0) provided with the HD, I copied the partition to the new HD. All worked perfectly except that Office 2000 (and Microsoft Greetings also) is having ...
Mensaje publicado en el 20/01/2004 - 01:11
My DVD/CD ROM cannot read or play any type of disc.
I bought a new computer and after 2 weeks it happened. I don't know what's the cause . I gussed maybe I had used a dirty CD or an infected one, first I used CD cleaner but it couldn't read that also.Then Norton Antivirus showed some infected files ...
Mensaje publicado en el 17/01/2004 - 19:22
[Info] Sobre Multipath I/O para Storage
= 1. Commentary by Jerry Cochran, jerryco@exchange.microsoft.com Why Windows Administrators Should Care About MPIO If you're a Windows administrator who has dealt with storage for a while, you've probably lamented how poorly Windows handles ...
Mensaje publicado en el 14/01/2004 - 20:22
How to format 80G HD under win98se - urgent need help
due to hd cracked, I replace it with a 80G hd, but when try to use win98 startup disk to format the new HD, find only read 10G. Q1 can you please advise how to format the hd to 80G ? and partition it ? note : bios has read and recongnise ...
Mensaje publicado en el 09/01/2004 - 17:06
Win2000 Dump
I'm getting Dumps, and the information i have is the following. Could you please help me? What can i do? El equipo se ha iniciado desde un comprobador de errores. La comprobación de errores fue: 0x0000000a (0xe1442068, 0x00000002, ...
Mensaje publicado en el 07/01/2004 - 15:49
I am having problems formatting a drive with W/ME update from W/98 on. I would like to reformat and install W/98 SE, everything goes well ,booting up from the floppy etc until I ask it to format the c drive and it says windows no longer supports, ...
Mensaje publicado en el 27/12/2003 - 22:22
Error C0000218
My PC is running Windows2000, during the start up, it stops and shows the following message: STOP: c0000218 {Registry File Failure} The Registry cannot load the hive (file): \SystemRoot\System32\Config\SECURITY or its log or alternate. It is ...
Mensaje publicado en el 24/12/2003 - 19:46
Help me please, Alone I have until tomorrow!!!
Hello friends, I explain to them quickly Recently I modernized from NT to W2000, everything is perfect, but it seems that the those PCs loses connection with the server, for what you can sometimes print, other times they lose connection with the ...
Mensaje publicado en el 22/12/2003 - 22:45
Help please !! FS keeps freezing !!!
HELP !!!! My FS2004 keeps freezing randomly it seems. I can't figure out what the problem is. It's certainly not a video card overheat. Also I replaced the card with another one and still have the same problem: All of a sudden the simulation feezes ...
Mensaje publicado en el 08/12/2003 - 19:19
I have a old MSDOS aplication running in winodws XP profesional. When the aplication start, the ntvdm.exe run to 100% the cpu. what is the solution ? Please, send to c.gonzalez@oleiros.org
Mensaje publicado en el 04/12/2003 - 08:56
Hi I have email account with VSNL. but they are not providing ISP service in our city and I am using another ISP who does not have SMTP server for sending email. Now what happens with me is that , i can only receive email in outlook xpress but not ...
Mensaje publicado en el 03/12/2003 - 03:23
HELP- Simulation freezes - HELP
Hi there: I am experiencing the same problem over and over again: After flying for a while my flightsim suddenly freezes and there is nothing that can be done anymore. It hangs up completely, no reaction on keys, joystick or whatever... just ...
Mensaje publicado en el 02/12/2003 - 16:27
DSClient para Win9X en español....
Tengo clientes con Windows 98 y Windows ME que no pueden autenticarse en la Red. Existe un controlador de dominio en Windows 2000. Solo los clientes con Windows 2000 y Windows XP pueden autenticarse sin problemas. El DC es DHCP, DNS, WINS, etc. Los ...
Mensaje publicado en el 25/11/2003 - 20:01
Help.... Problem with a program running in the background.
I have Windows XP Professional on my PC. I am connected to the the internet with DSL modem. However, my download connection seems to be very slow/getting slower and slower. I suspect there is a program running in the background that is taken up ...
Mensaje publicado en el 20/11/2003 - 04:49