Dial Out Problems

14/09/2003 - 19:03 por Mike Anger | Informe spam
I am setting up a Network using ICS with three home Computers. I have the
Network up and running but a program called (svshost.exe) and (lsass.exe)
are continuing to keep my Dial-Up active. Two of the Computers are running
Windows Xp and one is running Windows Me. The computer running Windows Me is
working without this problem. Both the other two continue to dial out. Are
these programs being controled by another dialup program? I have turned all
my auto-updates off.
Thanks for any help.

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#1 Raul Serrano [MS MVP]
14/09/2003 - 19:12 | Informe spam
This is spanish group.
Please, send your post at english groups

Un Saludo

Raul Serrano
MS MVP Windows XP

"Mike Anger" wrote in message
| I am setting up a Network using ICS with three home Computers. I have the
| Network up and running but a program called (svshost.exe) and (lsass.exe)
| are continuing to keep my Dial-Up active. Two of the Computers are running
| Windows Xp and one is running Windows Me. The computer running Windows Me
| working without this problem. Both the other two continue to dial out. Are
| these programs being controled by another dialup program? I have turned
| my auto-updates off.
| Thanks for any help.
| Mike
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