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Otros resultados también están disponibles en nuestros foros :
[Actualizacion] K9 v1.17
K9 filtro anti-spam (correo basura) gratuito Lista de cambios (en ingles) Added DNSBL support Fixed problem decoding MIME headers with some emails Enhanced the right-click filter context menu Rules added from right-click context menu are checked ...
Mensaje publicado en el 22/11/2003 - 19:55
Error con la fecha al abrir carpetas...
Cuando inicio el explorador de windows o abro una carpeta me salta una ventana de error que dice: "Your system clock appears to have been set back, possibly in an attempt to defeat the security on this program. Please correct your system clock ...
Mensaje publicado en el 13/11/2003 - 18:51
Eliminar elemento de menu
Estoy intentando que un documento excel añada varios elementos de menú y que los elimine al cerrarse. Añadirlos es cosa hecha y funcionan correctamente, pero no consigo que los quite al salir, ni que deje de duplicarlos al ...
Mensaje publicado en el 07/11/2003 - 09:56
[Script] Clase VBScript para gestión de fechas y horas
Cortesía de Alex K. Angelopoulus [MVP] publicado en "microsoft.public.scripting.wsh" Here's a date-and-time calculation class for people to look at, reuse, and comment on as they see fit. (Paging Dr. Stockton!) This is all ...
Mensaje publicado en el 03/11/2003 - 21:28
Si alguien me pudiera ayudar...
¡Hola! Tengo un problema con mi ordenador. Al encenderlo me aparece el siguiente mensaje: "Warning! CPU has been changed Please re-enter CPU settings in the CMOS setup and remember to save before quit!" Luego le doy a la techa F1 y ...
Mensaje publicado en el 30/10/2003 - 12:28
Web Sites Formatted for PDA's
I just updated www.PDAPortal.us which is my personal directory of 350+ PDA-friendly web sites. In addition to the original 15 categories, now you can also select sites based on 10 different languages. As before, you can also search stock quotes, ...
Mensaje publicado en el 14/10/2003 - 13:26
** Meet and Date more Women Easly and Fast ** ( Doctor Proven) qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq\qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq 4075 [1/5]
ATTRACT WOMEN WITH PHEROMONES EASILY http://www.nymphosam.com SEXUALLY ATTRACT WOMEN INSTANLY WITH PHEROMONES Even the most impossible to get beautiful women become Possible dates, lovers and even wives with Pheromones Pheromones are nature's ...
Mensaje publicado en el 12/10/2003 - 18:54
Response object error 'ASP 0156 : 80004005'
Hola a todos me esta dando el siguiente mensaje al tratar de descargar un archivo desde la base de datos (word,excel, pdf) 'The HTTP headers are already written to the client browser. Any HTTP header modifications must be made before writing page ...
Mensaje publicado en el 11/10/2003 - 21:42
My Norton System Works recently detected W32,Swen,A@mm by Virus Scanner & Auto-Protect. It automatically quarantined the following files and placed them in "Backup Items" after deletion from my computer: akgwl.exe akgwlzj.exe ...
Mensaje publicado en el 05/10/2003 - 22:31
Print / Number Generator in Word 2002
HI all I have something that seems a bit of a conundrum I have never used the visual basic element of word, and only macros on a basic level. So please start from scratch for me. This is what I need to do: When I open this particular file in ...
Mensaje publicado en el 25/09/2003 - 09:36
MA va tras google
REDMOND, Washington (Reuters) -- Microsoft, which is trying to drive growth by investing in everything from small business software to video games, has quietly set its sights on a new industry -- searching the Web. Chairman Bill Gates, Chief ...
Mensaje publicado en el 21/09/2003 - 08:56
Since some days ago, the computer is not able to play audio cds. Windows media player says that it does not find the specified file: "Windows Media Player cannot find the specified file. Be sure the path is typed correctly. If it is, the file ...
Mensaje publicado en el 10/09/2003 - 17:33
La maquina me da varios errores. El primero que sale antes de que se cargue Windows es "Windows could not update from %1 to %2. Windows could not update one or more files before it started running. Windows may not start properly. If this ...
Mensaje publicado en el 08/09/2003 - 03:46
Sobre Seguridad y formateo
http://www.cert.org/tech_tips/win-unix-system_compromise.html Recover from the intrusion: Install a clean version of your operating system Keep in mind that if a machine is compromised, anything on that system could have been modified, including ...
Mensaje publicado en el 16/08/2003 - 13:12