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Sheared Folders
I have installed Outlook 2000 in several machines and I have shared net folders. The warnings and confirmations work correctly, but the calendars and tasks stay without being upgraded. What should I do so that they are upgraded?
Mensaje publicado en el 08/02/2005 - 20:49
Te gusta el queso gruyere?: Usa Firefox.... Sunday, February 6, 2005 Shmoo Group exploit: 0wn any domain, no defense exists Pablos sez, "Shmoocon ended today. And just to prove The Shmoo Group wasn't sitting on their asses ...
Mensaje publicado en el 07/02/2005 - 18:20
**ENORME* Agujero de SEGURIDAD en .NET
ENORME...ahora dira Tella que es no sabes programar...JAJAJA!!!! Chueca Friend. Huge security hole in .NET Posted by xper on 04 Feb 2005 - 12:37 CET | There are 1 comment for this story. Previous Post | Frontpage | Next Post ...
Mensaje publicado en el 05/02/2005 - 20:43
Do they not even *use* Automatic Updates?!? Do they not even *use* Automatic Updates?!? I have been reading people all over the internet who hate that Microsoft is perhaps in the future going to limit Windows Update to legal copies ...
Mensaje publicado en el 02/02/2005 - 00:06
Sorry to post in english -- Can Telefonica ZyXEL 650HW-31 Router Support WPA
Sorry to post in english Hi, I want to change from WEP to WPA, I know my OS & cards support this but I dont think my router does, does anyone know if there is a firmware update to enable this. Thanks
Mensaje publicado en el 28/01/2005 - 14:17
color display problems
Hello, i am trying to fix a computer here but now when i try changing the color settings there it only has 2 color opetions. one of the option is 2 color and the other is 16 color so there isn't much for color now. The computer has been ...
Mensaje publicado en el 28/01/2005 - 00:39
Outlook 2002 SP3 Crahing
Hi! I have a user with Windows XP Professional (Outlook 2002 SP3). Whenever the user is attempting to access her Inbox (for example) it crashes and shut down Outlook. I have checked in the event viewer ant I found this error: "Faulting ...
Mensaje publicado en el 26/01/2005 - 12:45
Windows 64bits llegara en Abril...
Bienvenido sea...ahora tocar ahorrar para comprarse un 64bits :-) Windows 64 to arrive in April 874 According to hot sauces SOURCES CLAIMED Microsoft is planning to introduce its 64 bit operating system for ...
Mensaje publicado en el 24/01/2005 - 14:36
inline assembly for 8086
I need to do a 4-in-line game in pascal inline assembly for Intel 8086, anyone knows where I can find it done or some other examples of game source code? The only thing I found in the Internet its C code and MASM but not any board games so I can try ...
Mensaje publicado en el 23/01/2005 - 10:53
Colores en CListCtrl
En un pequeñon programa que utiliza un CListCtrl para visualizar un listado en el que puede haber líneas de texto de tres colores diferentes utilizo la función OnCustomdrawList que en principio me funciona estupendamente pero, ...
Mensaje publicado en el 21/01/2005 - 19:24
imprimir en pdf ...
Me gustaria saber si alguien me puede ayudar x P lo que quiero es simple, poder imprimir unos frx de foxpro y que los pueda guardar como pdf. Para ello, he encontrado este codigo, que se basa en una libreria CDINTF.DLL que crea una impresora ...
Mensaje publicado en el 20/01/2005 - 00:59
Log of begging of session - Log de inicio de sesion
Hi to everyone. Everyone knows that when someone for some reason find our secret answer to hotmail can log as if they were us. This situation is very easy to recognize because a new password is generated. But what happened if for some reason a ...
Mensaje publicado en el 19/01/2005 - 21:03
Consulta a un servidor ORACLE
Buen dia. Estoy haciendo una consulta a un linked server, pero me marca este error: Server: Msg 7312, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Invalid use of schema and/or catalog for OLE DB provider 'MSDAORA'. A four-part name was supplied, but the provider ...
Mensaje publicado en el 14/01/2005 - 15:05
Hupus: it's not SPAM !!!
Hello, Sorry Hupus, but my post wasn't a spam... How can I ask my question if I don't explain who I am ?
Mensaje publicado en el 14/01/2005 - 09:55