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[Analisis] Berbew/Webber/Padodor Trojan
Berbew/Webber/Padodor Trojan Analysis by LURHQ Threat Intelligence Group Fuente: http://www.lurhq.com/berbew.html Release Date June 25, 2004 A number of sites are reporting malicious javascript code being appended to every page served by their IIS ...
Mensaje publicado en el 26/06/2004 - 16:05
OT. llevo 3 o 4 dias sin poder entrar en google.
Hola a todos, cuando intento entrar en google me da este mensaje de error, llevo 3 o 4 dias q no puedo entrar donde esta el problema en el servidor de google o en mi equipo., gracias. alguna sugerencia, para solucionar este contratiempo. Gracias. ...
Mensaje publicado en el 22/04/2004 - 19:02
Please see statement encloded about postal and lottery laws
A chain letter is a "get rich quick" scheme that promises that your mail box will soon be stuffed full of cash if you decide to participate. You're told you can make thousands of dollars every month if you follow the detailed instructions ...
Mensaje publicado en el 26/02/2004 - 20:01
Views always defaults to "Large Icons"..help!!
I have always used the "Details" option in Folder Views, but suddenly every time I close a folder and re-open it, it reverts to the "Large Icons" view, and the Desktop icons default to the standard layout which I normally have ...
Mensaje publicado en el 21/02/2004 - 13:20
Message: TURN $6.00 INTO $6,000!!! IT'S SIMPLE AND IT'S LEGAL!!!!!!! I found this on a bulletin board and decided to try it A little while back; I was browsing through news groups just like you are right now and came across an article similar to ...
Mensaje publicado en el 09/02/2004 - 21:14
Para los usuarios de Ad-Aware
Hola a todos, He recibido el siguiente informe sobre Ad-Aware: saludos Verónica B. The Eye - - Issue 1.7 February 1, 2004 - - In This Issue Thank You! Reliving The Past, One Worm At a Time Welcome To The Team! Ad-aware Cloak ...
Mensaje publicado en el 02/02/2004 - 12:05
MonthCalendar.DateChanged error
Event DateChanged on class MonthCalendar is raised automatically every 2 minutes. Try it. - Create a new project. - In the default form, create a MonthCalendar. - Assign to the event DateChanged the following code: Console.WriteLine("event ...
Mensaje publicado en el 29/01/2004 - 01:54
[Info] Sobre Multipath I/O para Storage
= 1. Commentary by Jerry Cochran, jerryco@exchange.microsoft.com Why Windows Administrators Should Care About MPIO If you're a Windows administrator who has dealt with storage for a while, you've probably lamented how poorly Windows handles ...
Mensaje publicado en el 14/01/2004 - 20:22
Product Announce:Convert Doc to PDF For Word
Instantly Convert Microsoft? Word Document into PDF Files Convert Doc to PDF For Word is the fast, affordable way to create professional-quality documents in the popular PDF file format. Its easy-to-use interface allows you to create PDF files by ...
Mensaje publicado en el 30/12/2003 - 05:54
CASyncSockets: 10035: Operation would block
Hello, searching in google groups i've found this thread: "Well, if you've never had the error before, it is a miracle. This is the assumed return code for an asynchronous socket that would block. You have to wait for the notification that the ...
Mensaje publicado en el 15/12/2003 - 18:48
Propiedades de internet
Hola, hay alguna forma de configurar ya sea por politica o por algun script las propiedades del internet explorer, en la cual dentro de la pestaña GENERAL y dentro de SETTINGS en la opcion que dice "check for newer versions of stored ...
Mensaje publicado en el 11/12/2003 - 18:05
Virus hijacked browser in english en espaniol
that thing last night said that there were 36 threats. not virus's but threats but it keeps crashing every minute or two and changes my home page and it is downloading right and left things I am not doing it is doing it on its own. I can't look ...
Mensaje publicado en el 19/11/2003 - 23:45
Problem with BPM Studio
Every time i open BPM Studio and i want to see the options the system restarts by it self. what can i do
Mensaje publicado en el 18/11/2003 - 18:04
Hello, I have recently installed a Win98SE on a Netserver from HP PII 400hz, and every part of the hardware was detected and it is already running. I have just a problem, when i enter to the command line screen and i touch ANY key it crashes and ...
Mensaje publicado en el 28/10/2003 - 13:22