213 resultados
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XP SP3 installation
I have a problem with the instalation of Windows XP Service Pack 3 (KB936929). It starts the installation ok but it remains stop in acutalizing 1 of 1. I have tried many times. And also Ihave left the computer on all night to see if it finish the ...
Mensaje publicado en el 21/11/2008 - 09:55
Problemas con Outlook Express 6 y Windows 98
Muy buenas, Mi problema es el siguiente: Tengo dos ordenadores conectados en red, uno con XP y otro con 98. El XP me deja adjuntar archivos y enviarlos, pero el 98 cuando lo intento, se quedan en la bandeja de salida pero no se envian. He quitado ...
Mensaje publicado en el 31/05/2007 - 11:04
MI5 Persecution: why won't the British police do their job and put a stop to it?
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -= why won't the British police do their job and put a stop to it? --=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The British police obviously do know ...
Mensaje publicado en el 27/12/2006 - 05:10
President Bush : Iran president is not write to you . I go back on behalf of you You yard are that the dirty swine has heared to the fake morals inner place the Iran president ! - Very apparently a lot of matters of this world were for we to be ...
Mensaje publicado en el 22/10/2006 - 15:55
Vista hacked!!!
Reports of a new threat to Microsoft's unreleased operating system 'Vista' have already started. This new threat named only as 'Blue Pill' has already managed to circumnavigate it's was around the major new feature in Vista, its security. ...
Mensaje publicado en el 10/10/2006 - 12:24
No veo mis equipos en WSUS
Hola he sequido paso a paso la guia http://www.grupoitpro.com.ar/Microsoft/MWUS/tabid/92/Default.aspx paso a paso en entorno de active directory pero sigo sin ver ningun puesto, las actualizaciones ya las tengo en el servidor wsus, pero los puestos ...
Mensaje publicado en el 05/10/2006 - 12:28
Multiple default gateways
Hi, I have a team conection on faul tolerance in my windows 2003 server . When a configure my ip address I have a error like this: Warning - Multiple default gateways are intended to provide redundancy to a single network 8such as an intranet or ...
Mensaje publicado en el 29/09/2006 - 13:40
Alter XSL file from C# end
Hi, I have a requirement, i have to alter my XSL file from C#, After alteration, i am going to do XML tranformation. How do i alter the XSL file using C#, after alteration i 'll do some operaaion finally the original XSL should be there in my ...
Mensaje publicado en el 28/03/2006 - 09:16
sql server locking condition
I have got a sql server database.Size is more than 2 Gb. And I have got a 500 clients too.When a clients want to send into a sql database , the databese is locking.I am manually intervention to the sql.And the problem is solving.Is there any ...
Mensaje publicado en el 10/11/2005 - 13:43
Threading question
I have the following code in a windows service, when I start the windows service process1 and process2 work fine ,When process 1) and 2) get completed process 3) starts and sofar so good. the problem is if the files in process 1) are all processed ...
Mensaje publicado en el 05/01/2005 - 09:11
configuracion basica Isa 2004
hola... agradezco que alguien me colabore... resulta que tenia instalado el isa server 2000... lo desintales e instale el 2004.. pero ahora no puedo navegar ni mis clientes tampoco... me sale el siguinete error... pense que el 2004 en algo se ...
Mensaje publicado en el 26/11/2004 - 00:50
Hi, Actually, I have application in Visual Basic 6, DataBase SQlServer, And the Connection is with RDO. I have been testing over It and I run the application in three computers with the same user (created previously in the application and SQl), ...
Mensaje publicado en el 27/10/2004 - 20:44
AMD patents Peltier cooler on chip
x-no-archive: yes AMD patents Peltier cooler on chip Interesting RAMifications for 65 nano chips By INQUIRER staff: jueves 21 octubre 2004, 09:38 Advert AN AMD PATENT approved on October the 5th last has interesting implications for the system ...
Mensaje publicado en el 25/10/2004 - 17:20