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Como puedo saber que service pack tengo / How Can I know what service pack I hav
hi: I am gary qwerty, and I donŽt know how to see what service pack do I have. Can you help me please? Hola: Mi nombre es Gary Qwerty, y nose que service pack tengo. ¿Pueden ayudarme?
Mensaje publicado en el 01/08/2004 - 05:08
How Do I use CDEX?
Eric, You told me to download the CDex program which I did but it doesn't convert the songs correctly and they aren't sent or can't be heard when sent by e-mail. How do I configure it and use it. Please help me. Thanks Virginia
Mensaje publicado en el 19/02/2006 - 19:50
How to format 80G HD under win98se - urgent need help
due to hd cracked, I replace it with a 80G hd, but when try to use win98 startup disk to format the new HD, find only read 10G. Q1 can you please advise how to format the hd to 80G ? and partition it ? note : bios has read and recongnise ...
Mensaje publicado en el 09/01/2004 - 17:06
Age of Empires CD. How can I recover it?
Hi, I have the AOE game version 1. (1997 version) My kid had abused the CD very much and now it is not possible to read the CD, and definitely not to install it again. Maybe you know where I can find a copy of the CD? Regards, Oren
Mensaje publicado en el 18/03/2006 - 08:17
how to include XMLDOM in a EVC++ project??? help please
HI, I'm trying to create a project to manage xml files, my source code is: #include <msxml.h> IXMLDOMDocument *iXMLDoc; HRESULT hr; hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DOMDocument, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, ...
Mensaje publicado en el 17/05/2004 - 19:12
Vista can't login on windows server
Hello i configure my vista (group and ip) i loggon perfect in other computer of lan, but on windows 2000 server, don't enter say that user name or password are wrong, please how do enter in my server ??? Thank you
Mensaje publicado en el 27/02/2008 - 00:46
You too can learn to be funny in just 7 days flat: http://www.ExpertHumor.com/HowToBeFunny.htm *** Free account sponsored by SecureIX.com *** *** Encrypt your Internet usage with a free VPN account from http://www.SecureIX.com ***
Mensaje publicado en el 31/03/2006 - 07:57
Vista Hands On #4: Clean install with an upgrade key
I've been reading the breathless reports from other websites this week about the "Vista upgrade loophole." Most of it is typical echo-chamber stuff, and most of the reports I've read so far have gotten the basic facts wrong. The Setup ...
Mensaje publicado en el 19/02/2007 - 20:25
[Seguridad] New Information on Configuration Changes for Internet Explorer and ADODB.stream
Summary: =On Friday, July 2, 2004, Microsoft is releasing a configuration change for Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Windows Server 2003, to address recent malicious attacks against Internet Explorer, also know as Download.Ject. More information is ...
Mensaje publicado en el 03/07/2004 - 04:09
[INFO] Microsoft Security Bulletin Re-Release, August 2004
******************************************************************** Title: Microsoft Security Bulletin Re-release, August 2004 Issued: August 1, 2004 ******************************************************************** The following bulletin has ...
Mensaje publicado en el 01/08/2004 - 14:26
Officement Wokflow AddIn - Add workflow to office - www.officement
Officement WorkFlow is a Microsoft Office AddIn created to add workflow capabilities to office documents (Word, Excel, InfoPath, etc.) Officement Workflow is a true human workflow that provides organizations with the ability to design, execute, ...
Mensaje publicado en el 21/10/2004 - 00:49
SQLStringConnect no funciona como dice el manual
En el manual de VFP 7.0 dice lo siguiente: The following examples show how you can use the SQLStringConnect command without a Data Source Name (DSN). lcDSNLess="driver = SQL Server;server=your_server;uid=sa;pwd=sa_pw" -or- ...
Mensaje publicado en el 05/02/2004 - 23:38
Exclusive: What's Microsoft doing with Longhorn?
Exclusive: What's Microsoft doing with Longhorn? Posted by Tom Warren on 10 Nov 2004 - 20:35 | 44 comments Forums Since May this year we've heard dribs and drabs about Microsoft's much hyped next generation Operating System. According to the ...
Mensaje publicado en el 10/11/2004 - 22:09
Linux INC.
EMPAPATE MVP TELLA JEJEJE Linux Inc. Linus Torvalds once led a ragtag band of software geeks. Not anymore. Here's an inside look at how the unusual Linux business model increasingly threatens Microsoft Five years ago, Linus Torvalds faced a ...
Mensaje publicado en el 23/01/2005 - 23:11