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[SOFT] Microsoft: Windows XP SP2 Will Ship Before Q3 2004
Late last week, Microsoft posted an interesting document outlining its release plans for various Windows version service packs, prompting reports that Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), originally due late this year, was being delayed until late 2004. ...
Mensaje publicado en el 19/08/2003 - 14:30
DMA vs PIO, problemas con la transferencia
Estoy sufriendo algun problema (quizás de configuración) en mi sistema que no me permite instalar algunos programas (generalmente juegos con enormes ficheros .CAB), o bien no me permite hacer extracciones de ficheros .zip , dando ...
Mensaje publicado en el 06/08/2003 - 21:02
Can't play MP3s
Hello to all, and really, a lot of thanks to all ahead of time who take the time with resect to this problem. It is quite the serious one, and I have no idea how to go about solving it, or even what could be causing it. I'll try to be very ...
Mensaje publicado en el 02/08/2003 - 06:00
Error al iniciar windows media player 9
Al intentar iniciar el wmp9 aparece un cartel que dice: bad o missing system .DLL need Windows original wnaspi32.dll
Mensaje publicado en el 19/07/2003 - 20:00