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So slow is myvista!
Hi All, So sorry but I really need some quick help. I've jus bought a brand new X60 (ThinkPad) running on Windows Vista but it runs in a extreme slow motion I don't know whether it is because Leveno company has bundled too many softwares for me. ...
Mensaje publicado en el 02/04/2007 - 00:22
Memory upgrade slows Microsoft Vista right down
Second INQpressions WTF? Windows Total freak-out By Fuad Abazovic: VISTA has rather an illogical performance rating tool. It tests some of your computer subsystems and gives you a total score that can give you an indication whether or not your ...
Mensaje publicado en el 15/10/2006 - 18:15
Vista's role in Imminent Net Death overstated
Back in the late 1980s, long before the days of "All your base are belong to us," there was an Internet catchphrase that was sweeping the virtual landscape. It started shortly after universities opened up Internet access to their students, ...
Mensaje publicado en el 08/09/2006 - 14:27
I simply cannot manage to BulkInsert into SQL2005 from a UNC share. HELP!
I simply cannot manage to BulkInsert into SQL2005 from a UNC share. Here is my scenario: I have 3 boxes, all belonging to the same domain "myDomain" (domain controller is Win2000) I also have a domain-user "myDomain\myUser" Box ...
Mensaje publicado en el 13/06/2006 - 09:51
How do I make a new recordset that has nothing to do with a database?
Hi,All. I have the code written below which runs on VB6 and ADO. And I want migrate this onto VB.NET 2003 and ADO.NET. Dim Rs As New ADODB.RecordSet With Rs $B!!!!(B.Fields.Append "ID", adLongVarChar, 10, adFldRowID ...
Mensaje publicado en el 28/04/2006 - 08:39
He pasado el escaneo online de Pest Patrol y me dice que tengo un Keylogger. Me salian dos direcciones de esas del registro, las he eliminado, pero mi pregunta es: ¿eliminando esto se elimina el keylogger?. Tambien, desde hace unos dias he ...
Mensaje publicado en el 04/02/2006 - 22:47
Server FTP + IIS + NO-IP
Como están todos, me gustaría configurar un server FTP con el IIS (luego el SMTP) y usar el servicio de DNS de NO-IP ya que tengo IP dinámica. Me he registrado ya, he abierto el firewall al ftp, además en el router he ...
Mensaje publicado en el 03/09/2005 - 18:07
Microsoft Unwraps HoneyMonkey Detection Project
Microsoft Unwraps HoneyMonkey Detection Project http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,1844687,00.asp Microsoft has officially lifted the wraps off its Strider HoneyMonkey research project, designed to trawl the dark side of the Internet looking for ...
Mensaje publicado en el 08/08/2005 - 21:35
cuando usar subconsultas y cuando joins
Hola a todos, he estado leyendo sobre subconsultas (anteriormente yo usaba los join) pero ahora me doy cuenta que con las subconsultas puedes realizar muchas cosas y trabajar con jerarquías, stacks, queue, vefrificar runs, secuences, etc. Mi ...
Mensaje publicado en el 11/05/2005 - 08:21
[Actualizacion] RootkitRevealer v1.10
*Por favor las replicas a microsoft.public.es.seguridad Introduction "RootkitRevealer is an advanced root kit detection utility. It runs on Windows NT 4 and higher and its output lists Registry and file system API discrepancies that may ...
Mensaje publicado en el 03/03/2005 - 16:06
[Util Seg.] Herramientas de detección de "rootkit" avanzada.
*Por favor las replicas a microsoft.public.es.seguridad RootkitRevealer is an advanced root kit detection utility. It runs on Windows NT 4 and higher and its output lists Registry and file system API discrepancies that may indicate the presence ...
Mensaje publicado en el 23/02/2005 - 18:49
[Articulo] Configuracion del firewall del SP2 mediante comandos de linea
CONFIGURACION DEL FIREWALL DE XP - SP2. COMANDOS DE LINEA. - Independientemente de la configuración mediante el interface grafico que hemos visto en el articulo anterior, existen en XP - SP2, la posibilidad de configurarlo mediante comandos ...
Mensaje publicado en el 26/08/2004 - 20:15
[INFO] - New Attack Compromises Fully-Patched IE Browsers
De: "Ille Corvus" <illecorvus@spamgourmet.com> Asunto: [Seguridad] Microsoft Internet Explorer Fecha: jueves, 10 de junio de 2004 13:58 Internet Explorer carved up by zero-day hole ...
Mensaje publicado en el 10/06/2004 - 17:15
How to programmatically upload to SharePoint 2003.
The main problem is how to perform an upload programmatically to Sharepoint 2003 from an external application. Three approaches have been tested with their respective problems: - AddAttachment web service. There's no way to get the ListItemId ...
Mensaje publicado en el 30/04/2004 - 21:52