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Windows is shutting down!!!!
I am Running Windows 98 Se. The computer says Windows is shutting down but it rarely does. It will just hang there at the shutdown screen indefinately unless I turn the power off. Other than that the system works fine. What could it be that is ...
Mensaje publicado en el 10/10/2004 - 02:31
cant get on the internet
I cannot open internet explorer, I got an old IBM Thinkpad laptop from a friend and it has windows 98. I installed AVG anti viris and it had 472 virises. It put them in to the viris vault and i deleted them. Downloaded Ad-aware, ran it. MSM ...
Mensaje publicado en el 18/09/2004 - 06:02
Command Pack from VB: Why does it fail?
Hello I need to execute the command PACK (that erases all the marked files for elimination of a FoxPro table) from an application written in Visual Basic. This makes it in the following way (just as me somebody indicated in this same forum) 'It ...
Mensaje publicado en el 06/09/2004 - 07:56
Help!! Defrag hang; now win98 boot problems
My machine was working a fine but a little slow so started a defrag. Hang after 82% completion. No response to Alt-Ctrl-Del at all. Reset machine - now when I start the machine, it beeps continously (like a siren). The monitor says "check ...
Mensaje publicado en el 30/08/2004 - 04:30
Help!! Defrag hang; now win98 boot problems
My machine was working a fine but a little slow so started a defrag. Hang after 82% completion. No response to Alt-Ctrl-Del at all. Reset machine - now when I start the machine, it beeps continously (like a siren). The monitor says "check ...
Mensaje publicado en el 30/08/2004 - 02:13
Windows XP SP2 more secure? Not so fast
(ZDNet) It's late. It's large. But Microsoft's much heralded Windows XP Service Pack 2 has finally arrived. Right now, manufacturers and large-systems operators are getting their first look at the final version of SP2. By the end of August, ...
Mensaje publicado en el 21/08/2004 - 12:09
I downloaded A security Update CD And it stopped everything!!
Help!!! Please!! I downloaded A security Update CD And it stopped everything!!I am horrified. Yesterday I received from Microsoft a Security Update envelope. They offered it to me from their Homepage, one month ago. I downloaded it this morning. ...
Mensaje publicado en el 31/07/2004 - 23:17
sidewinder gamepad gameport
i bought a new pc and it does not have a gameport...also when i put in the software cd of the sidewinder in the pc, it says that it can't be installed. i have a winxp. what can i do?? should i buy an adapter from gameport to USB. and what should i ...
Mensaje publicado en el 24/07/2004 - 06:24
RUNDLL - UDConn.dll
Dear Sir/Madame In the main screen there is a message that says: RUNDLL Can't find specified module UDConn.dll I don't know how to solve this problem. Please, HELP! Many thanks Mr. Alain Navarrete
Mensaje publicado en el 20/06/2004 - 18:29
restauración del sistema
Mi problema es que no puedo restaurar a un punto anterior he probado creo que de todo, detener servicio volver a iniciarlo,desactivarlo y luego activarlo, luego probé si era algun programa que fastidiaba como me dijo JMT desactivé ...
Mensaje publicado en el 28/05/2004 - 17:43
Microsoft software bug sinks Intel Itanium
Microsoft software bug sinks Intel Itanium http://www.theinquirer.net/?article130 Your system may not re-start MICROSOFT SAID that if your Itanium system stops "abruptly" when it's running Windows Server 2003 64-bit Enterprise Edition, ...
Mensaje publicado en el 25/05/2004 - 12:09
this is the dll that's giving me problems because it says it is corrupted. Please give advice if you may. udconn.dll Carlos Bejar
Mensaje publicado en el 08/04/2004 - 20:46
Me sale un mensaje en un winxp pro Iomgr Syncwaitmultiple () says WAIT_FAILED y por mucho que le doy a cancelar se me mantiene, la unica manera de quitarlo es con el administrador de tareas, pero a los 5 o 10 minutos me vuelve a salir. Alguien ...
Mensaje publicado en el 06/04/2004 - 08:32
[info] Sobre el codigo fuente de MS
Si veis un mensaje mio posterior... sobre la manera de poner firmas a los documentos para su seguimiento y saber quien es el posible "culpable". parece que el tema ha funcionado: BetaNews has learned that Thursday's leak of the Windows ...
Mensaje publicado en el 13/02/2004 - 20:19