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Nuevo "exploit" para vulnerabilidad ASN.1
Fuente: http://www.informationweek.com/story/showArticle.jhtml;jsessionidFNEPLQARMMUQSNDBGCKHY?articleID700565 Hackers Circulate New Code For Exploiting Windows Feb. 17, 2004 The code targets systems that haven't been patched against the flaw in ...
Mensaje publicado en el 18/02/2004 - 12:51
Nuevo "exploit" para vulnerabilidad ASN.1
Fuente: http://www.informationweek.com/story/showArticle.jhtml;jsessionidFNEPLQARMMUQSNDBGCKHY?articleID700565 Hackers Circulate New Code For Exploiting Windows Feb. 17, 2004 The code targets systems that haven't been patched against the flaw in ...
Mensaje publicado en el 18/02/2004 - 12:51
Nuevo "exploit" para vulnerabilidad ASN.1
Fuente: http://www.informationweek.com/story/showArticle.jhtml;jsessionidFNEPLQARMMUQSNDBGCKHY?articleID700565 Hackers Circulate New Code For Exploiting Windows Feb. 17, 2004 The code targets systems that haven't been patched against the flaw in ...
Mensaje publicado en el 18/02/2004 - 12:51
Para los usuarios de Ad-Aware
Hola a todos, He recibido el siguiente informe sobre Ad-Aware: saludos Verónica B. The Eye - - Issue 1.7 February 1, 2004 - - In This Issue Thank You! Reliving The Past, One Worm At a Time Welcome To The Team! Ad-aware Cloak ...
Mensaje publicado en el 02/02/2004 - 12:05
option button
i am trying to create a questionnaire in excel, thereby using the option buttons. when i create the buttons for the second question, there is still only one "black dot", that then changes between 1st and 2nd question. what can i do to ...
Mensaje publicado en el 22/01/2004 - 17:15
[Info] Sobre Multipath I/O para Storage
= 1. Commentary by Jerry Cochran, jerryco@exchange.microsoft.com Why Windows Administrators Should Care About MPIO If you're a Windows administrator who has dealt with storage for a while, you've probably lamented how poorly Windows handles ...
Mensaje publicado en el 14/01/2004 - 20:22
Burn in hell, bootvis! HELP!
I think this question was made here before, but can?t retrieve in the server... I install bootvis and have the stupid trace.log file growing like a cancer and eating all my disk space. I need after all boot to open the program, stop trace and ...
Mensaje publicado en el 31/12/2003 - 04:03
SQL server 2000 y Analysis Manager
Hola a todos: tengo la siguiente pregunta, En el servidor tengo instalado SQL server 7 como instancia default y como segunda instancia sql server 2000. En el SQL server 2000 instale Analysis Service. Y no puedo a traves del Analysis Manager ...
Mensaje publicado en el 19/12/2003 - 14:49
Help please !! FS keeps freezing !!!
HELP !!!! My FS2004 keeps freezing randomly it seems. I can't figure out what the problem is. It's certainly not a video card overheat. Also I replaced the card with another one and still have the same problem: All of a sudden the simulation feezes ...
Mensaje publicado en el 08/12/2003 - 19:19
Password Protected Documents
Does anyone know if it is possible to "defeat" the password protection on a document created with MS Word 2000? I have a document that I want to put on a website that needs to be protected but I know the document can be downloaded from ...
Mensaje publicado en el 22/10/2003 - 05:14
I'm trying to run a DOS application on my PC. When I try to do so, i get a message from it saying that I need more avaible memory. I tried already to modify the memory properties from the application, but still I'm not able to make it run. What can ...
Mensaje publicado en el 08/10/2003 - 22:55
[news] 7 things to keep in mind about Longhorn
a.. 1. Aero, the 3D-rendering user interface; a.. 2. Avalon, the core set of application programming interfaces (APIs) for handling graphics/presentation chores; a.. 3. Indigo, the next release of Microsoft's Web-services infrastructure that will ...
Mensaje publicado en el 07/10/2003 - 15:51
Error 0x800CCC61
Saludos. Voy a exponer un poco la ENORME cantidad de pruebas que realicé. Antes que nada el equipo que estoy usando es un HP business desktop d530S que trae instalado el Windows XP y psoteriormente instalé el Office XP. Tanto el ...
Mensaje publicado en el 28/09/2003 - 23:54
no recibo correos externos en ocasiones
Saludos a todos, espero me puedan orintar para saber que es lo que esta pasando en mi dominio, eh tenido la queja de varios usuarios que cuentan con una cuenta de correo comercial y de las cuales reenvia sus correos a su cuenta personal de la ...
Mensaje publicado en el 17/09/2003 - 21:01