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Otros resultados también están disponibles en nuestros foros :
EMI ofrecerá su catálogo sin trabas a través de iTunes
Por Nieves Tejada Apple y el grupo EMI han desvelado su intención de firmar un acuerdo histórico para ofrecer su música a través de la plataforma iTunes sin DRM. Publicidad EMI y Apple han decidido asociarse para que ...
Mensaje publicado en el 03/04/2007 - 21:03
MI5 Persecution: Capital Radio - Chris Tarrant
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=--= Capital Radio - Chris Tarrant --=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=- Capital Radio DJs have been "in on it" from the start. One of the first things I heard in the summer of 1990 was from a Capital DJ who ...
Mensaje publicado en el 26/12/2006 - 19:38
Is Windows near end of its run?
Steve Ballmer, the chief executive of Microsoft, has his hands full. The next version of the Windows operating system, Vista, is finally about to arrive--years late and clouded by doubts that it might violate antitrust rules in Europe. Ballmer, 50, ...
Mensaje publicado en el 18/10/2006 - 20:31
*** Why Vista will mean the end of the Microsoft monolith :-O o===8
Well, the long wait is nearly over. Microsoft's elephantine parturition has produced an heir. Last week the company distributed 'Release Candidate 1' (RC1) of Vista, the new incarnation of Windows, to about 5 million favoured customers. Think of it ...
Mensaje publicado en el 11/09/2006 - 17:25
CPU core control key to power efficiency, says AMD
Comment: IM-PRESIONANTE Intel a verlas venir Sunnyvale (CA) - AMD's quad-core architecture won't be released until mid-2007, but the company is already discussing some features of the new Opterons and Athlons. Power consumption will remain a ...
Mensaje publicado en el 03/09/2006 - 20:05
I simply cannot manage to BulkInsert into SQL2005 from a UNC share. HELP!
I simply cannot manage to BulkInsert into SQL2005 from a UNC share. Here is my scenario: I have 3 boxes, all belonging to the same domain "myDomain" (domain controller is Win2000) I also have a domain-user "myDomain\myUser" Box ...
Mensaje publicado en el 13/06/2006 - 09:51
No permitir instalar a un usuariox!
Que tal, Alguien me puede decir como puedo configurar a un usuario en XP para no dejar que instale nada ya sea directamente al ejecutar una x aplicacion o lo que me es mas urgente, quiero evitar que un usuario que no tiene conocimientos de navegar ...
Mensaje publicado en el 04/02/2005 - 06:21
Linux INC.
EMPAPATE MVP TELLA JEJEJE Linux Inc. Linus Torvalds once led a ragtag band of software geeks. Not anymore. Here's an inside look at how the unusual Linux business model increasingly threatens Microsoft Five years ago, Linus Torvalds faced a ...
Mensaje publicado en el 23/01/2005 - 23:11
Telefonica ADSL
I have telefonica ADSL with wireless router (Zyxel Prestige 650HW-31). Iam thinking of changing this to something else, can I use any router and if so what settings would be required. Also does anyone know more about this router ie: does it have a ...
Mensaje publicado en el 30/11/2004 - 14:20
Redireccionar correo de Hotmail?
Hola a todos, Alguien sabe si puedo redireccionar el correo que me manden a mi cuenta de hotmail a otra cuenta de correo? Digamos xxx@loquesea.com???? Salu2 _______________________________ Jose Manuel Rodriguez Rodriguez "A great many people ...
Mensaje publicado en el 24/11/2004 - 00:24
Windows XP2 - Intel Critical Update
Windows XP2 - Intel Critical Update http://www.winxpcentral.com/ Oh my... I'm thinking this is a bad thing. This non-security critical update helps resolve an issue where a limited number of systems running a BIOS without production support for ...
Mensaje publicado en el 15/09/2004 - 21:12
[INFO] - New Attack Compromises Fully-Patched IE Browsers
De: "Ille Corvus" <illecorvus@spamgourmet.com> Asunto: [Seguridad] Microsoft Internet Explorer Fecha: jueves, 10 de junio de 2004 13:58 Internet Explorer carved up by zero-day hole ...
Mensaje publicado en el 10/06/2004 - 17:15
Formatting Fat 32 please read and help if you can
My brother ask this question of me i have been useing NTFS for years and i don't know the anwser can some one help with it. I am thinking about modifying my Archos player to raise it from 20 GB capacity to 80 GB with a new disk drive. I found ...
Mensaje publicado en el 21/05/2004 - 03:31
Please see statement encloded about postal and lottery laws
A chain letter is a "get rich quick" scheme that promises that your mail box will soon be stuffed full of cash if you decide to participate. You're told you can make thousands of dollars every month if you follow the detailed instructions ...
Mensaje publicado en el 26/02/2004 - 20:01