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[Noticia] Bill Gates afirma que la seguridad 'sigue siendo una prioridad'
Fuente: http://www.elmundo.es/navegante/2004/02/25/seguridad/1077703087.html UNA SEMANA DESPUÉS DE LA FILTRACIÓN DE CÓDIGO FUENTE Bill Gates afirma que la seguridad 'sigue siendo una prioridad' para Microsoft EFE SAN ...
Mensaje publicado en el 25/02/2004 - 16:55
(OT) several security flaws in products that use VoIP and text messaging
www.news.com The corporate world returned to work en masse after long holiday breaks, only to be welcomed by news of several security flaws in products that use VoIP and text messaging. The flaws affect software and hardware that support the ...
Mensaje publicado en el 17/01/2004 - 10:45
[news] 7 things to keep in mind about Longhorn
a.. 1. Aero, the 3D-rendering user interface; a.. 2. Avalon, the core set of application programming interfaces (APIs) for handling graphics/presentation chores; a.. 3. Indigo, the next release of Microsoft's Web-services infrastructure that will ...
Mensaje publicado en el 07/10/2003 - 15:51
[seguridad] Security Update for the .NET Messenger Service
Microsoft appears to be sending this email to its users of non SSL Messenger clients such as MSNM4 or WM 4.6. We advise upgrading to MSN Messenger 6. "You are receiving this e-mail because you are a MSN Messenger or Windows Messenger Service ...
Mensaje publicado en el 19/08/2003 - 21:43