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Possible problems when change from Windows Vista to Windows XP
I bought a Toshiba computer Satellite A305-S6905 and it has Windows Vista but I it has resulted difficult for me to use Vista. I would like to know if it is possible to change Windows Vista for Windows XP without having problems with the computer
Mensaje publicado en el 28/03/2009 - 04:04
OT] Windows Vista Tips & Tricks
http://www.chris123nt.com/guides/Beta1_5112/ Welcome & Overview Well it has been a long time coming, Windows Vista Beta 1 is here! It all started on November 19, 2002 with the leak of the first Longhorn build we would ever see, 3683. This ...
Mensaje publicado en el 12/08/2005 - 10:22
[SP2] The Ntvdmd.dll file on your Windows XP SP2-based computer has a lower version number than the version number of the Ntvdmd.dll file on another Windows XP SP2-based computer or than that of the Ntvdmd.dll file that is included in the MS04-032 update
[SP2] The Ntvdmd.dll file on your Windows XP SP2-based computer has a lower version number than the version number of the Ntvdmd.dll file on another Windows XP SP2-based computer or than that of the Ntvdmd.dll file that is included in the MS04-032 ...
Mensaje publicado en el 26/10/2004 - 07:46
[SP2] The Ntvdmd.dll file on your Windows XP SP2-based computer has a lower version number than the version number of the Ntvdmd.dll file on another Windows XP SP2-based computer or than that of the Ntvdmd.dll file that is included in the MS04-032 update
[SP2] The Ntvdmd.dll file on your Windows XP SP2-based computer has a lower version number than the version number of the Ntvdmd.dll file on another Windows XP SP2-based computer or than that of the Ntvdmd.dll file that is included in the MS04-032 ...
Mensaje publicado en el 26/10/2004 - 07:46
[SP2] The Ntvdmd.dll file on your Windows XP SP2-based computer has a lower version number than the version number of the Ntvdmd.dll file on another Windows XP SP2-based computer or than that of the Ntvdmd.dll file that is included in the MS04-032 update
[SP2] The Ntvdmd.dll file on your Windows XP SP2-based computer has a lower version number than the version number of the Ntvdmd.dll file on another Windows XP SP2-based computer or than that of the Ntvdmd.dll file that is included in the MS04-032 ...
Mensaje publicado en el 26/10/2004 - 07:46
[SP2] The Ntvdmd.dll file on your Windows XP SP2-based computer has a lower version number than the version number of the Ntvdmd.dll file on another Windows XP SP2-based computer or than that of the Ntvdmd.dll file that is included in the MS04-032 update
[SP2] The Ntvdmd.dll file on your Windows XP SP2-based computer has a lower version number than the version number of the Ntvdmd.dll file on another Windows XP SP2-based computer or than that of the Ntvdmd.dll file that is included in the MS04-032 ...
Mensaje publicado en el 26/10/2004 - 07:45
[SP2] The Ntvdmd.dll file on your Windows XP SP2-based computer has a lower version number than the version number of the Ntvdmd.dll file on another Windows XP SP2-based computer or than that of the Ntvdmd.dll file that is included in the MS04-032 update
[SP2] The Ntvdmd.dll file on your Windows XP SP2-based computer has a lower version number than the version number of the Ntvdmd.dll file on another Windows XP SP2-based computer or than that of the Ntvdmd.dll file that is included in the MS04-032 ...
Mensaje publicado en el 26/10/2004 - 07:45
[Articulo] Cómo crear un CD de Windows XP SP2 -INTEGRADO Y "BOOTEABLE" (Nero) -version 2-
COMO CREAR UN CD DE WINDOWS XP SP2-INTEGRADO Y 'BOOTEABLE' (Nero) - * Este procedimiento es muy similar (por no decir casi identico) al procesimiento que describí en su dia para el SP1. Vamos a ver cómo podemos integrar el SP2 y ...
Mensaje publicado en el 20/06/2004 - 22:47
"the older version of windows defender cannot be removed"
After downloading the newest windows defender and trying to install it, I get this error: "the older version of windows defender cannot be removed" The older version I had on there has now uninstalled itself but theres an empty folder in ...
Mensaje publicado en el 23/04/2006 - 21:41
RE:Terminal Server sobre Windows XP
Hola Desiderio pongo el post aquí porque el anterios ya está muy pasado y supongo que no lo has visto. Hasta ahora lo mejor que he encontrado es esta parche de dudosa procedencia pero que funciona muy bien. ...
Mensaje publicado en el 31/12/2009 - 00:41
Virus o fallo en windows???
Hola, es el segundo post que pongo sobre esto porque al primero nadie ha contestado. Tengo varios equipos con XP SP2 y McAfee y dan los siguientes errores: Primera ventana: Data execution prevention to help protect your computer wndows has closed ...
Mensaje publicado en el 02/12/2008 - 15:31
Windows Explorer has stop working
CUando se incia Windows Vista Ultimate sale el siguiente mensaje "Windows Explorer has stop working" y se reinicia el explorer.exe, esto sucede cada 5 segundos, como puedo solucionar esto?
Mensaje publicado en el 17/12/2006 - 23:21
[Info] Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1) has been released
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1) has been released http://www.jsiinc.com/SUBS/tip9200/rh9215.htm http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid"CFC239-337C-4D81-8354-72593B1C1F43&displaylang=en Salu2!! Javier ...
Mensaje publicado en el 01/04/2005 - 14:03
Windows Update se para...
Hola. Acabo de recuperar una vieja máquina virtual de un XP MUI y resulta que presenta una serie de problemas con el WU. Si lanzo el IE, me pide instalar el activex, pero entonces se queda muerto con la pantalla de: Checking if your ...
Mensaje publicado en el 19/07/2006 - 11:52