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Ayudar me por favor...mensaje en Ingles...Lo siento.
I wonder if you can help me please. I have a Toshiba Satellite Laptop which I am just upgrading. The thing is I would like to give the computer to my niece who is Spanish. Having reformatted the Hard Drive about 6 months ago, I realise that I have ...
Mensaje publicado en el 28/11/2005 - 22:34
[OPPORTUNITY] Looking for a partner for program localization in spanish
Hello, PC TimeWatch is currently available in french and english. See www.pctimewatch.com. I want to provide additional localized versions of the software, one of the most urgent ones being the spanish version. A toolkit is currently available ...
Mensaje publicado en el 06/10/2005 - 14:07
Directory Binding Error
Saludos, mi nombre es Juan Antonio Matos, tengo un problema, al preparar mi Domain (DC) para instalar Exchange, utilize la utilidad DCdiag.exe para diagnosticar el Domain Controller, y me alojo las siguientes salidas a la pantalla: Domain ...
Mensaje publicado en el 23/08/2005 - 15:07
C# GDI+ line rendering problem...
This may be a stupid question, but if I don't ask I'll never know ;) Ok, here it goes I am writing an application that renders an image in one picturebox and a graph in another. The image is drawn by loading a jpg into a bitmap and then setting ...
Mensaje publicado en el 09/08/2005 - 00:02
-SEGURIDAD- Falso boletín de seguridad de Microsoft
Se ha reportado en las últimas horas la circulación de un correo electrónico con un supuesto boletín de seguridad de Microsoft. El boletín ha sido enviado en forma de spam (correo no deseado), e intenta ...
Mensaje publicado en el 30/06/2005 - 21:18
Using a combo box on a C# asp.net web application
Hello All, I want to add a combo box to my C# asp.net web application so that I can give the user the ability to pick an option. But combos are not available there?? If I use a DropDownList I need to specify a database. But I dont need to do this. ...
Mensaje publicado en el 30/05/2005 - 07:33
Paquetes enviados y recibidos
Saludos a todos, Al revisar en conexiones de red mi conexion de area local veo con preocupacion que la cantidad de paquetes enviados es excesivamente grande con respecto a los paquetes recibidos (enviados: / recibidos: 145.840) y la ...
Mensaje publicado en el 19/05/2005 - 20:41
Problemas con archivos / Problems with archives
Reinstale el XP en la pc de mi esposa, previamente hice un backup (d:\borrar) de todo. Ahora cuando quiero extraer documentos y archivos del backup d:\borrar\documents and settings\administrador para ponerlos en c:\documents and settings\miesposa me ...
Mensaje publicado en el 24/03/2005 - 21:17
Keybord`s definition of language
Hy my name is Thelma and i have a small problem with the keybord of my computer. i changed the language of it and now i can`t change it back. is it possible for you the explain to me how to change it back to it-s original language? IŽm not sure but ...
Mensaje publicado en el 22/03/2005 - 23:27
Firewall de Xp tiene una puerta atras????
Windows Firewall Has A Backdoor Posted at 2005-02-19 20:00:00 GMT http://habaneronetworks.com/viewArticle.php?ID4 I was just poking around with the Windows Firewall on my system. When I went to look at the exceptions, I was confronted with an ...
Mensaje publicado en el 27/02/2005 - 22:01
navegar entre directorios con comnados DOS
If you spend time working at the Command Prompt, you know how frustrating it can be to navigate between different folders using the Change Directory (CD) command. For example, if the folder name contains multiple words, you must remember to enclose ...
Mensaje publicado en el 27/01/2005 - 12:28
Log of begging of session - Log de inicio de sesion
Hi to everyone. Everyone knows that when someone for some reason find our secret answer to hotmail can log as if they were us. This situation is very easy to recognize because a new password is generated. But what happened if for some reason a ...
Mensaje publicado en el 19/01/2005 - 21:03
[INFO] eBay Retira --> Microsoft Passport Sign In y .NET Alerts
VAYA PALO XDDDD FELIZ NAVIDAD XDDDD Y ¿¿¿PROSPERO??? XDDDDDDDD ***eBay to Retire Microsoft Passport Sign In and .NET Alerts*** Date: 12/29/04 Time: 11:56:02 AM PST http://www2.ebay.com/aw/marketing.shtml#2004-12-29114827 ...
Mensaje publicado en el 30/12/2004 - 21:21
modificar valores por defecto del firewall de SP2
Altering Windows Firewall's default settings via an INF file The Windows Firewall that comes with Windows XP Service Pack 2 is a stateful host firewall. It discards all unsolicited incoming traffic that doesn't correspond to either traffic sent in ...
Mensaje publicado en el 10/12/2004 - 17:02