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20 Things the average person doesn't know about XP
1. It boasts how long it can stay up. Go to the Command Prompt in the Accessories menu from the All Programs start button option, and then type 'systeminfo'. The computer will produce a lot of useful info, including the uptime. If you want to keep ...
Mensaje publicado en el 15/10/2006 - 18:15
Today's Content Quality Rating For
The content quality of microsoft.public.es.officexp has been rated by its users at least once in the last 24 hours at WebsBestFriend.com. To rate this group's content and/or view up-to-the-second ratings, please visit: ...
Mensaje publicado en el 30/03/2006 - 20:45
Porque se me cierra el equipo al rato de estar conectado a interne
Hola a todos soy nuevo aqui. Me he registrado aqui para pedir ayuda y sera agradecida.Me he instalado el Windows XP y el modem de Telefonica ADSL USB con el pack de seguridad Antivirus y Antiintrusos (cortafuegos?) de McAfee.Bien quisiera saber ...
Mensaje publicado en el 17/03/2005 - 20:17
cheap flight sim gear
www.flyboyauction.com Visit our site and register now, the cheapest on the net. CH Flightsim Yokes for £90.00! Near to trade prices on special offer software!. Place your unwanted items for sale! Register NOW! totally free. Type BONANZA ...
Mensaje publicado en el 14/01/2005 - 13:19
Haciendo de abogado del diablo (defendiendo a windows)
(me ha parecido interesante todo el artículo y por ello lo he incluido integramente he desviado las respuestas a microsoft.public.es.windowsxp por ser el último de la factoría de redmond de recomendada lectura ;-) Haciendo ...
Mensaje publicado en el 07/01/2005 - 18:26
[Info] What to Expect from Microsoft in 2005
= 1. Commentary: What to Expect from Microsoft in 2005 by Paul Thurrott, News Editor, thurrott@windowsitpro.com Although the New Year is typically a time of reflection, I thought it might be nice to leave behind the security hole-ridden past of ...
Mensaje publicado en el 04/01/2005 - 21:49
Transferring Windows XP Activation Information
Transferring Windows XP Activation Information http://netsecurity.about.com/od/windowsxp/qt/aaqtwinxp0829.htm Windows XP Tip How to Reinstall Windows XP Without Having to Reactivate With Microsoft To tell you the truth, I have never understood ...
Mensaje publicado en el 28/11/2004 - 17:29
Windows XP Release 2 coming
10/22/2004 9:27:22 AM, by Ken "Caesar" Fisher If you thought that Service Pack 2 for Windows XP was the last of the big updates, think again. Speaking yesterday at the Gartner Symposium in Orlando, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said that a ...
Mensaje publicado en el 23/10/2004 - 01:14
Microsoft Operating System 'asycpict.dll' Lets Remote Users Crash the System
SecurityTracker Alert ID: 1011706 SecurityTracker URL: http://securitytracker.com/id?1011706 CVE Reference: GENERIC-MAP-NOMATCH (Links to External Site) Date: Oct 15 2004 Impact: Denial of service via network Description: A vulnerability was ...
Mensaje publicado en el 15/10/2004 - 21:39
[INFO] Microsoft Security Bulletin Re-Release, August 2004
******************************************************************** Title: Microsoft Security Bulletin Re-release, August 2004 Issued: August 1, 2004 ******************************************************************** The following bulletin has ...
Mensaje publicado en el 01/08/2004 - 14:26
[Actualizacion] CD Libre (28/Mayo/2004)
Nuevo CD Libre. http://www.hispamp3.com/noticias/noticia.php?noticia 030417104854 Desde ayer viernes día 28 de mayo está disponible en www.cdlibre.org un nuevo CDs con recopilaciones de software libre / gratuito para Windows. ...
Mensaje publicado en el 29/05/2004 - 15:19
Online Malware Scanners.
Para tener en favoritos (Seguridad), sin abusar de ellos. De: "PrivacyZealot" <upon@request.only> Asunto: List of Online Malware Scanners Fecha: jueves, 20 de mayo de 2004 22:45 I am trying to find good online malware scanners ...
Mensaje publicado en el 20/05/2004 - 23:54
Vademecun - Sasser
De: "Bill Sanderson" <Bill_Sanderson@msn.com.plugh.org> Asunto: Re: Sasser Virus Fecha: viernes, 07 de mayo de 2004 20:59 Here's a revised version of those instructions: - NEW WORM: SASSER If the recovery procedures in this ...
Mensaje publicado en el 07/05/2004 - 23:47