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Puerto ICMP abierto
Hola He probado a hacerle un scan de puertos a mi máquina con el SP2 y me he encontrado, con el ICMP abierto, cosa que antes no me pasaba con el SP1 He usado la página http://scan.sygate.com seccion quick scan Po rlo que he visto ...
Mensaje publicado en el 04/09/2004 - 12:27
aviso oficial de MS USA sobre virys Mydoom
Below is Microsoft's security response regarding the "Mydoom" virus. Please feel free to share these responses in the communities you participate in... Microsoft Consumer Virus Alert: Why We Are Issuing This Alert W32/Mydoom@MM spreads ...
Mensaje publicado en el 29/01/2004 - 00:03
HTTP Modules & Handlers or ISAPI?
I need to be able to redirect web requests from certain parties to specific content. In the old days I would have used ISAPI to do this. Now days I am wondering if I should be doing this using HTTP Modules & Handlers or ISAPI. All the machines ...
Mensaje publicado en el 24/10/2003 - 17:13
ICMP, esta abierto segun Sygate, ¿es peligroso?
Protocol Type Status ICMP 8 OPEN Additional Information: An ICMP ping request is usually used to test Internet access. However, an attacker can use it to determine if your computer is available and what OS you are running. This ...
Mensaje publicado en el 13/10/2003 - 21:35
ie se me keda en blanco
Nada mas iniciar el ie se me keda la pagina en blanco ( por defecto tengo la de google )y si intento abrir otra pagina algunas me lo permite y otras me aparece el siguiente error : The page cannot be displayed The page you are looking for is ...
Mensaje publicado en el 13/12/2005 - 19:03
New Tool Checks Legality Of Open-Source Software
Hash: SHA1 http://www.neowin.net/comments.php?id$901&category=main With the growing use of open-source software, businesses may find themselves using someone else's intellectual property without knowing it. While it's never been a smart ...
Mensaje publicado en el 16/10/2004 - 14:32
[Atencion Seguridad] El gusano Zafi.B aumenta su propagación en las últimas horas
El gusano Zafi.B aumenta su propagación en las últimas horas http://www.hispasec.com/unaaldia/2057 Según las estadísticas de VirusTotal (http://www.virustotal.com), el gusano Zafi.B, también denominado Erkez.B, ...
Mensaje publicado en el 13/06/2004 - 21:23
[Info] Sobre Multipath I/O para Storage
= 1. Commentary by Jerry Cochran, jerryco@exchange.microsoft.com Why Windows Administrators Should Care About MPIO If you're a Windows administrator who has dealt with storage for a while, you've probably lamented how poorly Windows handles ...
Mensaje publicado en el 14/01/2004 - 20:22
[OT][Info][Benchmark] (Panda Firewall) -Vamos a liarla más... jejeje-
Sería bueno que todos los que poseemos un Firewall hicieramos varios "test" para comprobar de una vez por todas cual es el mejor. Estos son los resultados obtenidos con el Firewall de Panda Antivirus Platinum 7: NOTA: La ...
Mensaje publicado en el 17/08/2003 - 22:38
MI5 Persecution: Bernard Levin 1/6/96 (1479)
Subject: Re: "FANATIC'S FARE FOR THE COMMON MAN" Newsgroups: uk.misc,uk.media,uk.legal,uk.politics.misc Followup-To: uk.misc,uk.media,uk.legal,uk.politics.misc References: <Ds0L1o.BMF.0.bloor@torfree.net> ...
Mensaje publicado en el 19/08/2007 - 19:09
*** Why Vista will mean the end of the Microsoft monolith :-O o===8
Well, the long wait is nearly over. Microsoft's elephantine parturition has produced an heir. Last week the company distributed 'Release Candidate 1' (RC1) of Vista, the new incarnation of Windows, to about 5 million favoured customers. Think of it ...
Mensaje publicado en el 11/09/2006 - 17:25
I simply cannot manage to BulkInsert into SQL2005 from a UNC share. HELP!
I simply cannot manage to BulkInsert into SQL2005 from a UNC share. Here is my scenario: I have 3 boxes, all belonging to the same domain "myDomain" (domain controller is Win2000) I also have a domain-user "myDomain\myUser" Box ...
Mensaje publicado en el 13/06/2006 - 09:51
IE Exploit Lets Attackers Plant Programs on SP2
By Larry Seltzer October 20, 2004 Updated: New attack finds yet another leak in local resource security that Windows XP Service Pack 2 and subsequent patches were supposed to plug. A security researcher has discovered a new exploit for Microsoft ...
Mensaje publicado en el 23/10/2004 - 01:15
Microsoft Fixes Vexing XP SP2 Incompatibility
By Mary Jo Foley Microsoft has issued a fix for one of the most cantankerous Service Pack 2 problems caused by T.V. Media. Numerous applications, including some of Microsoft's own, have encountered compatibility problems with Windows XP Service ...
Mensaje publicado en el 08/10/2004 - 19:46