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The system detected a possible attempt to compromise security
I currently run in a WIndows Server 2003 functional level domain with 8 servers. Two of my servers DC and DC2 act as the domain controllers for the domain. DC holds the RID and PDC roles, while DC2 holds the Infrastrucure and Domain Naming Roles. ...
Mensaje publicado en el 07/11/2007 - 16:21
After a successful installation of XP SP2, I was told that I needed to reboot the computer to continue. I restarted and the machine refused to boot. I get an error right after POST stating the ntldr is missing, press CTRL-ALT-DEL to continue. ...
Mensaje publicado en el 30/08/2004 - 16:13
Can't play MP3s
Hello to all, and really, a lot of thanks to all ahead of time who take the time with resect to this problem. It is quite the serious one, and I have no idea how to go about solving it, or even what could be causing it. I'll try to be very ...
Mensaje publicado en el 02/08/2003 - 06:00
Descubierto un SERIO agujero de Seguridad en Windows XP SP2
PC-WELT discovers and fixes serious security issue in Windows XP SP2 http://www.pcwelt.de/know-how/extras/103039/ Traduccion Automatica ...
Mensaje publicado en el 17/09/2004 - 23:39
Server 2003 SP2: problema de rendimiento desde Vista en versión de 64 bits del servidor
Hay un fallo en la versión de 64 bits del SP2 de Server 2003 que hace que una vez instalado y reiniciado el servidor, el acceso a los recursos del mismo desde clientes con Windows Vista pasa a ser lentísimo. Esto sólo afecta a ...
Mensaje publicado en el 27/03/2007 - 19:11
Internet Connection Sharing
Hi all. I have a small network, composed by 2 computers: the first runs Windows ME and connects to the Web via an USB-DSL modem (works fine). A network adapter (well installed) wires to the second computer, which runs Windows XP (with a well ...
Mensaje publicado en el 07/11/2004 - 02:37
Internet Connection Sharing
Hi all. I have a small network, composed by 2 computers: the first runs Windows ME and connects to the Web via an USB-DSL modem (works fine). A network adapter (well installed) wires to the second computer, which runs Windows XP (with a well ...
Mensaje publicado en el 07/11/2004 - 02:36
Is Windows near end of its run?
Steve Ballmer, the chief executive of Microsoft, has his hands full. The next version of the Windows operating system, Vista, is finally about to arrive--years late and clouded by doubts that it might violate antitrust rules in Europe. Ballmer, 50, ...
Mensaje publicado en el 18/10/2006 - 20:31
Fun With HTTP Headers
Introduction Like any good web developer, I have a tendency to poke around at people's web sites to see if I can figure out how they're implemented. After poking at enough sites, I started noticing that people were putting some weird and interesting ...
Mensaje publicado en el 12/10/2006 - 21:09
Microsoft Fixes Vexing XP SP2 Incompatibility
By Mary Jo Foley Microsoft has issued a fix for one of the most cantankerous Service Pack 2 problems caused by T.V. Media. Numerous applications, including some of Microsoft's own, have encountered compatibility problems with Windows XP Service ...
Mensaje publicado en el 08/10/2004 - 19:46
Please see statement encloded about postal and lottery laws
A chain letter is a "get rich quick" scheme that promises that your mail box will soon be stuffed full of cash if you decide to participate. You're told you can make thousands of dollars every month if you follow the detailed instructions ...
Mensaje publicado en el 26/02/2004 - 20:01
619: The especified port is not connected
Hi, Thanks for reading this. I have a problem with my dial up connection. Neither of them work after installing SP4. I can connect and after 1 minute (more or less) checking the user name and password I receive the following error message: 619: ...
Mensaje publicado en el 16/10/2003 - 16:49
problems with spanish grammar and spell in word 2000 multilingual
We have installed windows 2000 sp3 multilingual with sp2. When we use the spanish grammar we get an error.With other languages works fine. I heva read a microsoft article (258193) and this describe the same problem but with language sweden. The ...
Mensaje publicado en el 03/10/2003 - 16:37
Problems with XA Transaction Manager
I have got an entry in the Application Event Log as follows: "The XA Transaction Manager attempted to load the XA resource manager DLL. The call to LOADLIBRARY for the XA resource manager DLL failed: DLL=.\xarmconn.cpp File$06 Line=%3." ...
Mensaje publicado en el 26/07/2006 - 13:23